NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

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120Ramesh SubramanianDevelopment of novel synthetic w<strong>at</strong>er-soluble polymersA grant of $18,000 per year.Une subvention de 18 000 $ par année.Discovery Grant – Subvention à la découverteFloccul<strong>at</strong>ion is a very important step in many str<strong>at</strong>egically importantsolid-liquid separ<strong>at</strong>ion processes and it is widely used in mineral processing(improves separ<strong>at</strong>ion of mineral particles from liquids); raw and wastew<strong>at</strong>ertre<strong>at</strong>ment (removal of turbidity-causing suspended particles and contaminants);sludge dew<strong>at</strong>ering (improves separ<strong>at</strong>ion of solids from liquids);papermaking (as drainage and retention aids); and petroleum recovery (removesdrilling resi<strong>du</strong>e, enhances w<strong>at</strong>er-flooding, keeps flow channels open,and increases permeability).In the past 50 years, synthetic w<strong>at</strong>er-soluble polymers (c<strong>at</strong>ionic, anionic,ampholytic and nonionic) have largely replaced traditional inorganic chemicalslike alum, lime, and ferric chloride, and n<strong>at</strong>ural pro<strong>du</strong>cts like starch andgum as coagulants and flocculants. However, with increasing public awarenessand governmental regul<strong>at</strong>ions for the environment, both municipal andin<strong>du</strong>strial effluents are required to meet higher standards.The overall objective of the proposed research is to develop new and improvedw<strong>at</strong>er-soluble polymers th<strong>at</strong> provide improved coagul<strong>at</strong>ion and floccul<strong>at</strong>ionin mineral processing, raw and wastew<strong>at</strong>er tre<strong>at</strong>ment, sludge dew<strong>at</strong>ering,papermaking, and oil or petroleum recovery. The synthesis, characteriz<strong>at</strong>ion,solution properties and performance of w<strong>at</strong>er-soluble polymers as coagulantsand flocculants will be studied. A fundamental understanding of molecularprocesses and reaction mechanisms involved <strong>du</strong>ring synthesis will be undertaken,and the effect of synthesis techniques on structural characteristics ofsynthesized polymers will be investig<strong>at</strong>ed.

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