NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

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Grants lexiconLexique des subventionsDiscovery GrantsDiscovery Grants support ongoing programs of research. These <strong>grants</strong> recognizethe cre<strong>at</strong>ivity and innov<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> are <strong>at</strong> the heart of all advancesin research, whether made indivi<strong>du</strong>ally or in groups. Researchers are freeto work in the mode most appropri<strong>at</strong>e for the research area. The <strong>grants</strong>generally cover for five years.Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) GrantsRTI Grants assist in buying or developing research equipment th<strong>at</strong> costsmore than $ 7,000.Collabor<strong>at</strong>ive Research and Development (CRD) GrantsCRD <strong>grants</strong> support well-defined projects undertaken by university researchersand their priv<strong>at</strong>e-sector partners. CRD awards cover up to half of thetotal eligible direct project costs, with the in<strong>du</strong>strial partner(s) providing thebalance in cash and in kind.Major Facilities Access GrantsMajor Facilities Access Grants support researchers’ access to major regionalor n<strong>at</strong>ional research facilities by helping these facilities to remain in ast<strong>at</strong>e of readiness for researchers to use.Idea to Innov<strong>at</strong>ion (I2I) ProgramThe I2I program provides funding to university researchers for research anddevelopment activities leading to technology transfer to a new or establishedCanadian company. Two distinct funding phases are proposed; these phases17

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