NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

NSERC grants at Laurentian University Subventions du CRSNG `a l ...

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48Éric GauthierMolecular control of apoptosis in mammalian cellsA grant of $29,300 per year.Une subvention de 29 300 $ par année.Discovery Grant – Subvention à la découverteThe use of mammalian cell lines for the in<strong>du</strong>strialpro<strong>du</strong>ction of biomedical or pharmaceuticalpro<strong>du</strong>cts is hampered by the high cellularsensitivity to culture-rel<strong>at</strong>ed stresses. Ourresearch program is centered on the molecularand cellular mechanisms of cell suicide (apoptosis)and on the use of cell de<strong>at</strong>h inhibitors incellular engineering. This grant applic<strong>at</strong>ion will describe two main projects:1. A detailed analysis of the effect of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xLon cell culture behaviour and pro<strong>du</strong>ctivity. Bcl-xL is a protein whoserole in the cell is to prevent the untimely triggering of cell suicide. Severalstudies have shown th<strong>at</strong> Bcl-xL could be used to protect cells againstapoptosis, leading to increased pro<strong>du</strong>ctivity. In this proposal, we argueth<strong>at</strong> one major limit<strong>at</strong>ion to the use of Bcl-xL in mammalian cells ofbiotechnological interest is the lack of understanding of the regul<strong>at</strong>ionof Bcl-xL in these cells, as well as the paucity of inform<strong>at</strong>ion currentlyavailable on the effect of the over expression of Bcl-xL on cell behaviourand the cellular response to nutrients. The work proposed here will leadto a thorough characteriz<strong>at</strong>ion of the function and regul<strong>at</strong>ion of Bcl-xLin mammalian hybridoma cells.2. The gener<strong>at</strong>ion of a Hybridoma Gene Expression Profile D<strong>at</strong>abase.A major factor limiting the applicability of cellular engineering to improvemammalian cell culture bioprocesses is the current lack of inform<strong>at</strong>ionon the changes in gene expression occurring in cultured cell lines.We propose to establish a Hybridoma Gene Expression Profile D<strong>at</strong>abaseusing the l<strong>at</strong>est DNA-Chip technologies. This inform<strong>at</strong>ion will allow researchersto tailor their cellular engineering str<strong>at</strong>egies to their favorite cellline, leading to optimal improvements in cell viability and pro<strong>du</strong>ctivity.

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