Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

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xiiAcknowledgementsColumbia (now director of the International Institute for Applied SystemsAnalysis), to whom we owe the whole concept of resilience; Col. WilliamHolmberg (USMC Ret.) of the U.S. Department of Energy; Dr. Paul Hoover(also at The Mershon Center); Dr. Edward Kahn of Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory; Mr. Fran Koster, formerly director of solar programs at theTennessee Valley Authority; Dr. Florentin Krause (International Project for SoftEnergy Paths); Dr. Enver Masud of the Department of Energy and Dr. BudMiles of Systems Control. Inc., who kindly shared with us their latest researchresults on dispersed electrical systems; The RAND Corporation (a seminarvenue); Professor Bent Sørensen of Roskilde University in Denmark, one of ourearliest teachers about renewable energy; Dr. Peter Steen and his colleagues atthe Swedish Defense Research Establishment, pioneers in parallel research; Dr.David Sternlight (who first introduced us and has helped ever since) and TheAtlantic Richfield Company; and Commissioner Gene Varinini of theCalifornia Energy Commission.Among the most useful review comments on the FEMA draft were thoseby Dr. Melvin Conant, Mr. Peter Gleick, Mr. H. Richard Hoh, .ProfessorBarry Hyman, Dr. David Morris, Mr. John R. Newell, Ray Watts, Esq., andDr. Zdanek Zofka. If any errors have evaded them and several dozen otherreviewers, and still lurk somewhere in this text, they are of course our soleresponsibility, and we shall be most grateful to anyone who points them out.In the difficult task of translating our FEMA report into plainer English andclearer logic, we have incurred many new debts: foremost to Dr. Jim Gray ofTandem Computer Corporation for his help in restructuring ChapterThirteen, and Mr. E.R. Baugh PE (of the Ralph M. Parsons Co. and SmallScale Technology, Inc.) for re-educating us about grid interconnections.Mr. Alec Jenkins worked hard to distill into a few dozen pages his wealth ofexperience in mobilizing communities to improve their energy resilience. Wehave greatly benefited from his insights and, with his kind permission, havesought to share them here, mainly in Chapter Seventeen. We hope his skill andpatience will be rewarded by the rapid spread of his excellent ideas. He and weare grateful for the patience of Monica, Alex, and Jenny Jenkins during hiswriting.In preparing his material, Mr. Jenkins was aided by two research consultants:on production lead times for wind and hydro, systems, Roy Pitts, who isa solar advisor at the California Energy Commission and studying architectureat the Sacramento City College; and on community activity, Carolyn JaneDanahy, who will finish her studies in environmental and policy planning atthe University of California at Davis in 1982.

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