Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

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400<strong>Brittle</strong> <strong>Power</strong>39 Poland & White 1981.40 GAO I:7–1.41 Ibid.:7–7.42 Ibid. I:9–17.43 Ibid. I:7–944 Ibid. I:9–1945 Ibid. I:exec. summ. 18.46 Ibid. I:exec. summ. 16.47 Ibid.:7–6.48 Ibid :7–7ff.49 Ibid.50 Ibid.:7–11.51 Ibid. I:exec. summ. 17, I:7–10ff52 Ibid. I:7–11.53 Marshall 1981.54 GAO I:9–6.55 de Leon et al. 1978:22.56 At sixty degrees Fahrenheit, propane liquefiesat about one hundred ten pounds persquare inch, butane at forty. At atmosphericpressure, they liquefy at about minus fortyfourand plus thirty-one degrees Fahrenheitrespectively. See Congressional ResearchService 1977:III:406.57 GAO I:exec. summ. 5.58 Davis 1979.59 GAO I:7–13.60 Ibid.:7–12.61 Ibid.:7–13.62 Walls 1963.63 GAO I:7–14.64 Fay 1980:100. GAO (I:8–1) reports thatabout a hundred thousand railcar loads ofLPG were shipped in the U.S. in 1977.65 Williamson & Mann 1981.66 Sharry & Walls 1974.67 GAO I:8–3.68 Ibid. I:exec. summ. 19. In addition, seegenerally Davis 1979.69 GAO I:8–14.70 Los Angeles Times 1974b.71 Ibid.:1979i, j.72 Ibid.:1979h.73 Ibid.:1978b.74 Narvaez 1981.75 GAO I:9–1876 Ibid.:2–11.77 Fairley 1975; Mostert 1974:325–326.78 GAO I:21–6ff.79 Ibid.:9–1680 Ibid.81 Williamson & Mann 1981.82 GAO I:exec. summ. 8.83 Ibid. I:7–8.84 Los Angeles Times 1981c.Notes to Chapter Nine1 Stephens 1973:62.2 Stephens 1974:87.3 Wilburn 1981.4 Stephens 1974:79–80.5 Ibid.:4.6 Office of Technology Assessment 1979a:69.7 Stephens 1973:136.8 Office of Technology Assessment 1980b:17.9 Ibid.:25.10 Foley & Lönnroth 1981:7.11 Deese & Nye 1981.12 Rosen. 1980.13 Deese & Nye 1981:3.14 Taylor 1980:304.15 Kemp, in Deese & Nye 1981:370.16 Cranford 1981.17 Comptroller General of the U.S. 1979:3.18 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations1981.19 Ibid.:16, 18. The time could be cut atleast in half by deception.20 Ibid.:14, says fifteen; the higher figure,for 1981, is from James Akins.21 Los Angeles Times 1981q.22 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations1981:23.23 Ibid.:60.24 Ibid.:23.25 Ibid.:25.26 Ibid.27 Ibid.28 New York Times 1979e.29 Deese & Nye 1981:9.30 Rand 1981. This view is not canonicallyreceived.31 If so, it does not appear to have succeeded.32 New York Times 1977c.33 Stobaugh & Yergin 1979:40.34 Times 1975a; Los Angeles Times 1979b.35 Los Angeles Times 1979a.36 Newsweek 1979.37 New York Times 1979c. The proposal waslater withdrawn. It would not have significant-

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