Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

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420<strong>Brittle</strong> <strong>Power</strong>cut energy use in half in more than two hundredhomes, and energy audits saved an average offive hundred sixty dollars per audited home peryear. Total energy use in the county did notgrow during the 1976–78. Recent progress isprobably even greater, though many of the originalprincipals in the program, with their smallfederal grants cut off, are now back at their factoryjobs and can devote only evenings andweekends to analysis and leadership for theProject. In mid-1981, the twenty-three townenergy committees and the county task forcewere still active, though funds for the two-personcounty energy staff were running out.51 E.g., Greenfield [MA] Recorder 24 August1979.52 Buchsbaum et al. 1979.53 Koster 1978. See also Orange County1981.54 Wheeler et al. 1975.55 Los Angeles Energy ManagementAdvisory Board 1981.56 Tomasi et al. 1981:1.57 MetroDade 1980, 1980a.58 Leslie Brook, Deputy Director of theDade County program, personal communication,18 May 1981.59 Ibid.60 Alan Silverstein, telecon to Alec Jenkins,25 February 1982. See also Delmasto 1980.61 Details are available from John Sutthoff &Betty Dean, Center for Business & EconomicResearch, California State University atChico.62 California Energy Commission 1981d.63 Ibid.64 St. Paul Energy Office 1980, 1982a; AliceMurphy & Gary Dodge, personal communicationsto Carolyn Jane Danahy. The Officeclosed at the end of 1981. Its publications areavailable from Mayor Latimer’s office.65 Department of Energy 1979; see also 1981c.66 Urban Solar Energy Association 1981.67 Fitzpatrick 1980; Morton 1980.68 McRae 1981.69 Morris & Reiniger 1981.70 Academy for Contemporary Problems1980:A-18.71 Ibid.:A–19.72 Ibid.:A–20.73 Baum & Colby 1981.74 Atlantic Richfield Company; GasCAP.75 Department of Energy 1979a.76 NASA 1976.77 John Newton and Dick Baugh, personalcommunications, 1982.78 Knight 1981.79 Energy Consumer 1980b:23. Among therelevant technologies are solar water heaterkits developed at the National Solar WaterWorkshop. A community college workshopprocess which lends itself to rapid replicationis available from the same contact: StanMumma, Arizona State University at Tempe.See also Fisk 1979.80 Maria & Arnie Valdez (Rt. 1, Box 3-A,San Luis, CO 81152), personal communications,1980–81.81 SERI 1980b, 1981a.82 Center for Renewable Resources 1980;Becker 1981; Coates 1981; Morris 1979,1980; Hampshire College 1979; Vine 1981;Ridgeway 1979; Randolph 1981; Corbett &Hayden 1981.83 Talbot & Morgan 1981; Conference onAlternative State and Local Policies 1981,1981a, 1981b; Freedberg 1981. More specializedmaterials include Conference onAlternative State and Local Policies 1981c;Okagaki 1981; Alschuler 1980; Jones & Ford1980; Freedberg & Slavet 1981; Wilson 1981;Reif 1981; Morrison 1979; Alternative Sources ofEnergy.84 Woolson & Kleinman 1981; Okagaki &Benson 1979; Schaefer & Benson 1980;Gorenflo et al. 1981. (Jim Benson’s organization,the Center for Ecological Policies, POBox 442, Merrifield VA 22116, has an extensivenational network of localities doing suchstudies, as does the Conference on AlternativeState and Local Policies, 2000 Florida Ave.NW, room 407, Washington, DC 20009.85 Department of Energy 1980a; Woolson& Kleinman 1981; Tomasi et al. 1981.86 Glidden & High 1980. Pliny Fisk is doingexciting bioregional work on these lines, mainlyin Texas. Mr. Fisk can be reached at theCenter for Maximum Potential BuildingSystems, 8604 F.M. 969, Austin, TX 78724.87 Previous reference plus Corbett 1981,Portland Energy Office 1980, Ways and Means,and the regional appropriate technologynewsletters, notably New Roots, RAIN, andA.T. Times.

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