Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

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Notes 42188 The Energy Consumer 1979.89 Ibid. 1980.90 Ibid. 1980a.91 Ibid. 1980b.92 Mr. Koster can be reached at 2341 CedarShore Circle, Jacksonville, FL 32210.93 1980b:13ff.94 Clark Bullard has suggested, however,that the law of some states may permit municipalitiesto impose their own taxes on sales ofelectricity or fuels, and in principal those taxescould be so structured as to result in whatevertariff structure to the end-user the municipalitywished. This concept would require legalresearch before it was tried.95 Hunt & Bainbridge 1978; Vine 1981;Corbett 1981.96 Marshall Hunt, personal communications,1980–82.97 Tomasi et al. 1981:21–22.98 Randolph 1981:266.99 California Energy Commission1981c:136; SolarCal Local GovernmentCommission 1981.100 Congressman Richard Ottinger’s committeehas conducted useful hearings on buildingefficiency labeling.101 Randolph 1981:267; California EnergyCommission 1981f.102 Tomasi et al. 1981:4–5.103 Ibid.104 Randolph 1981:267; Corbett 1981;Vine 1981.105 Notkin 1982.106 Colorado Office of Energy Conservation1981:99.107 Randolph 1981:268.108 Tomasi et al. 1981:6.109 President’s council on EnvironmentalQuality 1974:13.110 California Energy Commission 1979,1979a; San Diego County Board ofSupervisors 1978; Hedgecock 1980.111 Bates 1981.112 Randolph 1981:265.113 Bohan 1981; Becker 1981.114 Financial Times 1981a.115 Hamrin 1980; California EnergyCommission 1980b, c, d.116 TERA 1982.117 Terry 1981; Rinard 1981; Forster 1981;Saitman & Garfield-Jones 1981.118 J.I. Lerner (consultant, FairfieldDepartment of Public Works), personal communicationto Alec Jenkins.119 Los Angeles Energy ManagementAdvisory Board 1981:65.120 Angelici et al. 1980.121 California solar Utility DevelopmentAuthority 1981.122 Department of Energy 1981d.123 Braly 1980.124 Tomasi et al. 1981:8.125 Alschuler 1980.126 National League of Cities 1981; Centerfor Renewable Resources 1981; Adams 1981;Shawnee Solar Project 1981; Oberg 1981;Freedberg 1981.127 Sheldon Strom (Director of theMinneapolis Energy Coordination Office),personal communication to Alec Jenkins, 9February 1982.128 Saitman, 1980, 1980a, 1982; Saitman &Garfield-Jones 1981; McClure 1981; Braly1979; Doyle & Duenwald 1981. For a cautionarytale, see Soft Energy Notes 1982.129 California Public Utilities Commission1980; Lovins 1981, 1982; Bryson & Elliot 1981.130 Pacific <strong>Power</strong> & Light, Puget <strong>Power</strong> andLight, Portland General Electric, Pacific Gas &Electric, and Southern California Edison areamong the pioneers. Among these, only Puget<strong>Power</strong> seems to be giving serious attention toloans for the commercial sector, which tendsto have even larger and cheaper saving opportunitiesthan the residential sector.131 J.H. Paster (President, National ConservationCorporation) and J.C. Anderson (Manager,Environmental Affairs, Jersey Central <strong>Power</strong> &Light Co., Morristown, NJ), personal communicationsto Alec Jenkins.132 Sant et al. 1981; Merrill Lynch 1981.The California Energy Commission is revisinga staff report on energy service corporations.133 In Tao The Ching 14.134 Taylor 1981.

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