Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

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80<strong>Brittle</strong> <strong>Power</strong>station on 1974; many have been stolen. 96 The similar Soviet RPG-7(“Katyusha”) is commonly used by Palestinian terrorists and was used in aParis airport attack in January 1975. Both, and counterparts such as the French“Strim” F-1, are portable, suitcase-sized, and easy to conceal or disguise.“[T]here has not been a recent Soviet-influenced conflict in which the recipientsof Russia’s support were not carrying RPG-7s” 97 Still deadlier versions are nowunder development, with ranges far greater than a thousand feet.• Light, precision-guided rockets designed for shoulder-firing against aircraft(like the Soviet SA-7 or “Strela” and the U.S. “Redeye,” both of which haveterminal infrared guidance and a range of several miles). Redeye weighsunder thirty pounds and is about four feet long; its successor, “Stinger,” is nobigger but is faster, longer-range, and more accurate. 98 The British “Blowpipe”is radio-guided by its aimer. The supersonic, tripod-mounted Swedish RB-70has laser guidance, “weighs under one hundred eighty pounds, breaks downinto three smaller packages, and can be operated by one man with minimaltraining.” These latter two missiles can shoot down aircraft approaching headon.Palestinian terrorists have Strela rockets and were arrested with some nearthe Rome Airport in September 1973 and at the edge of the Nairobi airport inJanuary 1976. 99 A Strela may have been used to shoot down two Rhodesianpassenger planes in the past three years. It is the rocket whose reported possessionby an alleged Libyan assassination squad caused such anxiety in theWhite House in December 1981. A Strela rocket could be used for standoffattacks on stationary energy facilities, or to shoot down incoming airbornesecurity forces.• Analogous precision-guided munitions (PGMs) designed for antitank use.The U.S. “Dragon” and “TOW” rockets and the Soviet “Sagger” are wireguided,use laser target acquisition, have ranges of a mile or two, weigh generallyunder thirty pounds, and can be carried and operated by one person.The French/German “Milan,” somewhat smaller and with semiautomaticguidance, is even more portable and is being deployed by the tens of thousands.100 The Dragon, TOW, and Sagger shaped-charge warheads “can pierceseveral feet of homogeneous armor plate,” 101 or five times their own diameter.102 They are more commonly available than their anti-aircraft counterparts.It would not be surprising if at least hundreds of them were in terrorists’hands today. They are ideal for standoff attacks against even semihardenedenergy facilities, as well as for attacking any vehicles in which security forceswould be likely to arrive.• Specialized rockets and grenades. The German-designed antitank “Armbrust30,” designed for urban warfare, “has no backblast, making it possible to firethe weapon from inside a room—something no rocket launcher can do now.

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