Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

Brittle Power- PARTS 1-3 (+Notes) - Natural Capitalism Solutions

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Chapter One: National Energy Insecurity 9•explores the elements of a design science for making any system resilient(Chapter Thirteen);• applies the resulting principles to the energy system (Chapter Fourteen);• examines in greater detail how increased energy productivity can prevent,delay, and limit failures (Chapter Fifteen); and• surveys the opportunities offered by inherently resilient supply technologies(Chapter Sixteen); and•discusses the role of federal, state, and local governments, of private industry,and of grassroots programs in rapidly achieving energy resilience(Chapter Seventeen).This last chapter, and some examples in the two preceding ones and in lastpart of Chapter Six, are based on longer drafts by our valued colleague AlecJenkins. They reflect his vast experience in pioneering community-basedenergy preparedness programs throughout the United States.Finally, three Appendices at the end of the text incorporate technical material—onnet economies of scale and on the technical and economic status ofappropriate renewable sources. This material is useful to technical readersbut not essential to the development of the main argument.Recognizing that much of this material will be fresh and novel to scholarsof preparedness and of energy policy, we have retained extensive notes, citedby superscript numbers and listed by chapter starting on page 391. Thosenotes in turn refer to nearly twelve hundred consolidated references, listedalphabetically by author starting on page 429. And because examples concerninga particular country, technology or concept may be scattered throughseveral chapters, an index of places and subjects begins page 469.This analysis is not definitive. It answers some questions and raises others.By breaking new ground, it has pushed us, and probably our readers,well beyond our accustomed disciplines and patterns of thought. It is presentedhere not just for arcane private debate among energy and militaryexperts, but for wide political discussion. The fundamental concepts of energysecurity, long ignored by the responsible professionals, should not be limitedto experts, for they concern basic choices about the structure and eventhe survival of our society. Our aim, then, is to provoke informed reflectionand discussion—professional, political, and above all public—on a grave andoverlooked threat to national and individual security, a threat properly theconcern of every citizen. We solicit your views, your participation, and yourpersonal initiative in building a more resilient energy system as one key componentof a more enduring society.

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