ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE


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Annex I: New Zealand's Tariff <strong>Schedule</strong>CodeDescriptionBaseEnd2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015Ratedate2509.00.00 Chalk free free 200625.10 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk:2510.10.00 - Unground free free 20062510.20.00 - Ground free free 200625.11 Natural barium sulphate (barytes); natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined, other than barium oxide <strong>of</strong> heading28.16:2511.10.00 - Natural barium sulphate (barytes) free free 20062511.20.00 - Natural barium carbonate (witherite) free free 200625.122512.00.00 Siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite and diatomite) and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, <strong>of</strong> an free free 2006apparent specific gravity <strong>of</strong> 1 or less25.13 Pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat treated:- Pumice stone:2513.11.00 -- Crude or in irregular pieces, including crushed pumice (bimskies) free free 20062513.19.00 -- Other free free 20062513.20.00 - Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives: free free 200625.142514.00.00 Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (including square) free free 2006shape25.15 Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone <strong>of</strong> an apparent specific gravity <strong>of</strong> 2.5 or more, andalabaster, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (includingsquare) shape:- Marble and travertine:2515.11.00 -- Crude or roughly trimmed free free 20062515.12.00 -- Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (including square) shape free free 20062515.20.00 - Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone; alabaster free free 200625.16 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, bysawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (including square) shape:- Granite:2516.11.00 -- Crude or roughly trimmed free free 20062516.12.00 -- Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (including square) shape free free 2006- Sandstone:2516.21.00 -- Crude or roughly trimmed free free 20062516.22.00 -- Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (including square) shape free free 20062516.90.00 - Other monumental or building stone free free 200625.17 Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, <strong>of</strong> a kind commonly used for concrete aggregate, for road metalling or for railway or otherballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat treated; macadam <strong>of</strong> slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or notincorporating the materials cited in the first part <strong>of</strong> the heading; tarred macadam; granules, chippings and powder, <strong>of</strong> stones <strong>of</strong>heading 25.15 or 25.16, whether or not heat treated:2517.10.00 - Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, <strong>of</strong> a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, free free 2006shingle and flint, whether or not heat treated2517.20.00 - Macadam <strong>of</strong> slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in subheading 2517.10 free free 20062517.30.00 - Tarred macadam free free 2006- Granules, chippings and powder, <strong>of</strong> stones <strong>of</strong> heading 25.15 or 25.16, whether or not heat-treated:2517.41.00 -- Of marble 6.5 free 20062517.49.00 -- Other free free 200625.18 Dolomite, whether or not calcined or sintered, including dolomite roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocksor slabs <strong>of</strong> a rectangular (including square) shape; dolomite ramming mix.2518.10.00 - Dolomite not calcined or sintered free free 20062518.20.00 - Calcined or sintered dolomite free free 20062518.30.10 - Dolomite ramming mix free free 20061-NZ-37

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