ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE


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CodeDescriptionAnnex I: New Zealand's Tariff <strong>Schedule</strong>BaseRate2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 201544.09 Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, no assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered,V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any <strong>of</strong> its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or endjointed:4409.10 - Coniferous:4409.10.01 -- Drawn wood free free 20064409.10.09 -- Moulded wood 5 free 20064409.10.19 -- Other free free 20064409.20 - Non-coniferous:4409.20.01 -- Drawn wood free free 20064409.20.09 -- Moulded wood 5 free 20064409.20.19 -- Other free free 200644.10 Particle board and similar board (for example, oriented strand board and waferboard) <strong>of</strong> wood or other ligneous materials, whetheror not agglomerated with resins or other organic binding substances:- Oriented strand board and waferboard, <strong>of</strong> wood:4410.21.00 - - Unworked or not further worked than sanded 5 free 20064410.29.00 - - Other 5 free 2006- Other, <strong>of</strong> wood:4410.31.00 - - Unworked or not further worked than sanded 5 free 20064410.32.00 - - Surface-covered with melamine-impregnated paper 5 free 20064410.33.00 - - Surface-covered with decorative laminates <strong>of</strong> plastics 5 free 20064410.39.00 - - Other 5 free 20064410.90.10 - Other 5 free 200644.11 Fibreboard <strong>of</strong> wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances:- Fibreboard <strong>of</strong> a density exceeding 0.5 g/cm 3 :4411.11.00 -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered 5 free 20064411.19.00 -- Other 5 free 2006- Fibreboard <strong>of</strong> a density exceeding 0.5 g/cm 3 but not exceeding 0.8 g/cm 3 :4411.21.00 -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered 5 free 20064411.29.00 -- Other 5 free 2006- Fibreboard <strong>of</strong> a density exceeding 0.35 g/cm 3 but not exceeding 0.5 g/cm 3 :4411.31.00 -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered 5 free 20064411.39.00 -- Other 5 free 2006- Other:4411.91.00 -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered 5 free 20064411.99.00 -- Other 5 free 200644.12 Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood:- Plywood consisting solely <strong>of</strong> sheets <strong>of</strong> wood, each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness:4412.13 -- With at least one outer ply <strong>of</strong> tropical wood specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter:4412.13.10 --- With at least one outer ply <strong>of</strong> the following tropical woods: Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti, White Lauan, Sipo, Limba, Okoume,7 free 2006Obeche, Acajou d'Afrique, Sapelli or Mahogany (Swietenia spp.)4412.13.90 --- With at least one outer ply <strong>of</strong> other tropical wood 7 free 20064412.14 -- Other, with at least one outer ply <strong>of</strong> non-coniferous wood:4412.14.10 --- Of Baboen, Palissandre du Bresil or Bois de Rose femelle 7 free 20064412.14.90 --- Other 7 free 20064412.19.00 -- Other 7 free 2006- Other, with at least one outer ply <strong>of</strong> non-coniferous wood4412.22 -- With at least one ply <strong>of</strong> tropical wood specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter:4412.22.10 --- Containing at least one ply <strong>of</strong> particle board 7 free 20064412.22.90 ---- Other 5 free 20064412.23.00 -- Other, containing at least one layer <strong>of</strong> particle board 5 free 20064412.29 -- Other:4412.29.10 --- Each ply exceeding 6 mm in thickness 7 free 20064412.29.90 --- Other 5 free 2006- Other:4412.92 -- With at least one ply <strong>of</strong> tropical wood specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter:Enddate1-NZ-88

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