ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE


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SectorMiningClassification CPC 13 Uranium and Thorium mineralsCPC 14 Metallic mineralsCPC 16 Other mineralsObligations Concerned National Treatment (Article 12.4)MeasuresConstitución Política de la República de Chile, Capítulo IIILey 18097, Diario Oficial, enero 12, 1982, Ley OrgánicaConstitucional sobre Concesiones Mineras, Títulos I, II, y IIILey 18248, Diario Oficial, octubre 14, 1983, Código deMinería, Títulos I y IIILey 16319, Diario Oficial, octubre 23, 1965, crea la ComisiónChilena de Energía Nuclear, Títulos I, II, y IIIDescriptionInvestmentThe exploration, exploitation, and treatment (beneficio) <strong>of</strong>lithium, deposits <strong>of</strong> any kind existing in sea waters subjectto national jurisdiction, and deposits <strong>of</strong> any kind wholly orpartially located in areas classified as important to nationalsecurity with mining effects, which qualification shall bemade by law only, can be the object <strong>of</strong> administrativeconcessions or special operating contracts, subject to therequirements and the conditions to be determined, in eachcase by a supreme decree <strong>of</strong> the President <strong>of</strong> the Republic.For greater transparency, Chile has the right <strong>of</strong> first refusal,at the normal market prices and terms, for the purchase <strong>of</strong>mineral products from mining operations in the countrywhen thorium or uranium are contained in significantamounts therein.For greater certainty, Chile may demand that producersseparate from mining products the portion <strong>of</strong>:(1) liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons;(2) lithium;(3) deposits <strong>of</strong> any kind existing in sea waterssubject to national jurisdiction; and(4) deposits <strong>of</strong> any kind wholly or partially located inIII-CL-6

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