ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE

ANNEX I Schedule of Brunei Darussalam Headnote ... - SICE


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SectorIndustry ClassificationHealth and Social ServicesDeliveries and related services, nursing services,physiotherapeutic and para-medical services (onlyfor nursing and midwifery services)CPC 93191 Deliveries and related services, nursingservices, physiotherapeutic and paramedicalservices(Only applies to nursing and midwiferyservices)Obligations Concerned Local Presence (Article 12.7)MeasureDescriptionNurses and Midwives Act, Cap. 209, 2000 RevisedEdition, Sections 26-30Cross-border ServicesOnly service suppliers who are registered with theSingapore Nursing Board and/or its successor bodyand resident in Singapore shall be allowed to supplynursing and midwifery services.III-SG-22

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