US Training of Death Squads in Iraq? - War Is A Crime .org

US Training of Death Squads in Iraq? - War Is A Crime .org

US Training of Death Squads in Iraq? - War Is A Crime .org


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The slaughter and destruction <strong>in</strong> western <strong>Iraq</strong> are not simply isolated <strong>in</strong>cidents that arekept from the media. They are, <strong>in</strong> fact, a pattern <strong>of</strong> willful devastation <strong>of</strong> city after cityexecuted by the Defense Dept. to break the back <strong>of</strong> the resistance by decimat<strong>in</strong>g thecivilian enclaves where they draw their support. The results have meant "scores <strong>of</strong>casualties due to '<strong>in</strong>discrim<strong>in</strong>ate bomb<strong>in</strong>g’ by <strong>US</strong> forces. Parallel<strong>in</strong>g the atrocitiescommitted <strong>in</strong> other towns and cities, all <strong>of</strong> which savagely attacked and destroyed theentire population <strong>of</strong> Tal Afar are now 'ethnically cleansed’ refugees". (G. Hassan)The death squads and the <strong>in</strong>tentional destruction <strong>of</strong> the Sunni heartland comprise the firsttwo parts <strong>of</strong> the three-pronged strategy to defeat the <strong>Iraq</strong>i resistance. The f<strong>in</strong>al leg on thestool is the propaganda war that is be<strong>in</strong>g directed aga<strong>in</strong>st the American people to concealthe details <strong>of</strong> the military’s war crimes. The arrest or liquidation <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>dependentjournalists report<strong>in</strong>g from the front has allowed the Pentagon’s "embedded" legions toshape a narrative <strong>of</strong> benign <strong>in</strong>tervention <strong>in</strong> the name <strong>of</strong> fight<strong>in</strong>g terrorism. Accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe Wash<strong>in</strong>gton Post not one <strong>of</strong> the more then one thousand prisoners captured <strong>in</strong> TalAfar was a foreign fighter. This should put to rest the Pentagon’s spurious claim thatSunni cities are "Al Qaida strongholds."American media now functions as an annex <strong>of</strong> the <strong>War</strong> Department. The news isfashioned to meet the policy objectives <strong>of</strong> the state and its constituents. The war thatappears on TV stations across America, where <strong>US</strong> soldiers are dutifully usher<strong>in</strong>g abackwards Muslim nation towards democracy and free enterprise, bears no resemblanceto the gruesome realities <strong>of</strong> the colonial war that is devastat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Iraq</strong>i society.The media’s performance <strong>in</strong> <strong>Iraq</strong> has been the most successful part <strong>of</strong> the entirecampaign. It cont<strong>in</strong>ues to embellish, obfuscate or divert attention from the clear facts <strong>of</strong>America’s crim<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>volvement.The media has unfail<strong>in</strong>gly provided the ever-shift<strong>in</strong>g rationale for the ongo<strong>in</strong>g occupationand cont<strong>in</strong>ued to mobilize public support for the most unpopular war <strong>in</strong> Americanhistory. Its embedded propagandists have been more vital to the war-effort than laserguidedtechnology, cluster-bombs or detention centers.The Bush adm<strong>in</strong>istration’s three-pronged strategy for <strong>Iraq</strong> precludes a political solutionbecause it is designed as a model for future wars. The Wash<strong>in</strong>gton warlords and theirboardroom constituents have no <strong>in</strong>tention <strong>of</strong> negotiat<strong>in</strong>g the terms <strong>of</strong> global rule; that isthe exclusive duty <strong>of</strong> the White House mandar<strong>in</strong>s.Negotiation and diplomacy are signs <strong>of</strong> weakness. The adm<strong>in</strong>istration will rema<strong>in</strong> faithfulto its right-w<strong>in</strong>g mandate; conceal<strong>in</strong>g its real goals beh<strong>in</strong>d the smokescreen <strong>of</strong>withdrawal, while rul<strong>in</strong>g accord<strong>in</strong>g to its basic precepts <strong>of</strong> force and deception.Copyright Mike Whitney105

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