US Training of Death Squads in Iraq? - War Is A Crime .org

US Training of Death Squads in Iraq? - War Is A Crime .org

US Training of Death Squads in Iraq? - War Is A Crime .org


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Witnesses said about 150 <strong>Iraq</strong>i prisoners also fled the jail.Violence flared earlier <strong>in</strong> the day as demonstrators hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at Britishtanks; at least four people were killed.The British Defense M<strong>in</strong>istry spun, but found it difficult to maneuver with its pants about itsankles. "We‘ve heard noth<strong>in</strong>g to suggest we stormed the prison," a defense m<strong>in</strong>istry spokesman<strong>in</strong> London said. "We understand there were negotiations." When it found some equilibrium, itchanged its story to better comport with the undeniables: "We understand that the authoritiesordered their release. Unfortunately they weren't released and we became concerned for theirsafety and as a result a <strong>War</strong>rior <strong>in</strong>fantry fight<strong>in</strong>g vehicle broke down the perimeter wall <strong>in</strong> oneplace."These hard men, likely SAS ops, must have had some stories to tell, otherwise tanks would nothave negotiated their way through the prison walls <strong>of</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>'s reputed hosts so soon after theircapture.Walk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the untidied mess <strong>of</strong> this astonish<strong>in</strong>g and grotesque and predictable story feels a bitlike the British detective catch<strong>in</strong>g the killer red-handed: "Well well well, what have we here?"We have long had reason to suspect imperial <strong>in</strong>stigation to <strong>Iraq</strong>'s sectarian violence, but here, asclearly as we've ever seen it, is the provocateur state revealed: two British "undercover soldiers"<strong>in</strong> Arab dress, caught fir<strong>in</strong>g upon police from a car laden with explosives. And the Britishgovernment all but admitt<strong>in</strong>g its culpability by break<strong>in</strong>g them out <strong>of</strong> prison.It doesn't make sense? Only if you haven't been pay<strong>in</strong>g attention. This is the subtext <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Iraq</strong>tragedy: blow up the Hajis and play the Sunnis on the Shias; create the chaos that <strong>in</strong>troduces theconditions necessary for the long-game, and the long-held aspirations <strong>of</strong> the neoconservatives todivide <strong>Iraq</strong> <strong>in</strong>to ethnographic bantustans.I wonder what will be made <strong>of</strong> this story by those who th<strong>in</strong>k escalat<strong>in</strong>g bloodshed <strong>in</strong> <strong>Iraq</strong> is ameasure <strong>of</strong> the failure <strong>of</strong> <strong>US</strong> policy, and not its success, and who believe black ops and falseflags are figments <strong>of</strong> our paranoiac fantasies. Probably, as with so much that would bedevil theirworldview if only they were <strong>in</strong>tellectually honest enough to permit it, this too will be filtered outand f<strong>org</strong>otten. But our burden is we won't f<strong>org</strong>et. And damned if the <strong>Iraq</strong>is will.A British soldier jumps from a burn<strong>in</strong>g tank which was set ablaze after a shoot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>cident <strong>in</strong> thesouthern <strong>Iraq</strong>i city <strong>of</strong> Basra September 19, 2005. Angry crowds attacked a British tank withpetrol bombs and rocks <strong>in</strong> Basra on Monday after <strong>Iraq</strong>i authorities said they had deta<strong>in</strong>ed twoBritish undercover soldiers <strong>in</strong> the southern city for fir<strong>in</strong>g on police.rigorous<strong>in</strong>tuition.blogspot.com/2005/09/carry-on-kill<strong>in</strong>g.htmlMiddle East Press: "Suspicions occupation <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> armed operations aga<strong>in</strong>st civilians andplaces <strong>of</strong> worship"GlobalResearch.caSeptember 20, 2005207

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