Getting Started with WebSphere Application Server

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Chapter 8 – Security 153<br />

In the above example, the realm helloRealm is used. Ensure you add the following line to the<br />

deployment plan (geronimo-web.xml):<br />

helloRealm<br />

The BASIC authentication mechanism is the default option for requesting authentication information from<br />

a browser-based client. When a user tries to access the protected pages using a browser, the browser<br />

will pop-up a dialog box to request you input the id and password. The authentication information is<br />

encrypted using base64 encoding.<br />

Alternatively, the FORM authentication mechanism as illustrated in Listing 8.14 is also commonly used.<br />

Using this mechanism, an application developer provides a customized logon page, and you request the<br />

authentication information this way. This is illustrated in Listing 8.15 showing the contents of the file<br />

login.jsp.<br />

<br />

FORM<br />

<br />

/login.jsp<br />

/loginerror.jsp<br />

<br />

<br />

Listing 8.14 - “FORM” authentication method<br />

<br />

Username:<br />

Password:<br />

<br />

<br />

Listing 8.15 - The login.jsp<br />

There are also Client_CERT and Digest methods provided, where Client_CERT is using digital<br />

certificates passed over an SSL connection, and Digest is similar to BASIC, but the password is<br />

transmitted using a custom encryption mechanism.<br /> Programmatic security<br />

Using programmatic security in JSPs and servlets is very similar to EJB programmatic security described<br />

in an earlier section. Listing 8.16 provides an example.<br />

System.out.println(request.getUserPrincipal().getName());<br />

if (request.isUserInRole("super_user")){<br />

//add any logic that is super user specific.<br />

}<br />

Listing 8.16 - Programmatic access control<br /> Testing Web security from a browser

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