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Intensity: 3 | Change: | Start: 2013<br />

Conflict parties:<br />

Conflict items:<br />

The violent crisis over subnational predominance between<br />

the Arab Malekite and Berber Mozabite communities in Algeria's<br />

southern province of Ghardaia continued.<br />

Between January 7 and 10, rival gangs of the two conflict<br />

parties started confrontations in the city of Ghardaia. When<br />

the police tried to restore order by using tear gas, Mozabites<br />

as well as Malekites responded by throwing Molotov<br />

cocktails and stones. The confrontations left three civilians<br />

dead. Around 15 people were injured, including five policemen.The<br />

situation calmed down until May 16, when violent<br />

clashes between Mozabites and Malekites re-erupted. When<br />

the police tried to intervene, members of both communities<br />

threw Molotov cocktails and stones, injuring 15 policemen.<br />

In addition, three houses and three cars were set on fire<br />

by rival community fractions. On June 13, the communal<br />

confrontations continued in the town of Berriane. Riot police<br />

intervened by using tear gas and rubber bullets to separate<br />

the conflict parties. Overall, two people died and 40 people<br />

were injured, including 14 policemen.<br />

The violence reached its peak on July 7 and 8, when 23<br />

people were killed in the Southern cities of Guerera, Berriane,<br />

and Ghardaia, most of them being Mozabites. Alleged<br />

Malekites used firearms to shoot at members of the Mozabite<br />

community in Guerera, accounting for 19 of the 23 deaths<br />

on both sides. During the clashes in the three cities, several<br />

shops, cars, palm gardens, urban infrastructure, and public<br />

buildings were set on fire or damaged by other means.<br />

At an emergency meeting on July 8, President Abd al-Aziz<br />

Bouteflika announced the deployment of the military to the<br />

region in order to restore order and stability. Collective recognition<br />

for the army's efforts was demonstrated in a so-called<br />

ceremony of gratitude in the city of Ghardaia on December<br />

20. The event was organized by community leaders and was<br />

attended by representatives of the conflict parties as well as<br />

civil and military authorities. ala<br />


Malekites vs. Mozabites<br />

subnational predominance<br />

Intensity: 3 | Change: | Start: 2011<br />

Conflict parties:<br />

Conflict items:<br />

CNDDC, National Collective for a<br />

Moratorium on Shale Gas in Algeria<br />

et al. vs. government<br />

system/ideology<br />

The violent crisis over the orientation of the political system<br />

between various opposition groups and the government continued.<br />

The year was marked by several violent demonstrations,<br />

mainly organized by the National Committee for the Defense<br />

of Rights of Unemployed Persons (CNDDC), who demanded<br />

the government to stop its shale gas extraction projects in<br />

the southern province of Tamanrasset. Over the course of the<br />

year, at least 17 CNDDC members were arrested.<br />

Continuous demonstrations were held for two months in Ain<br />

Salah, Tamanrasset, the town closest to the drilling sites. The<br />

anti-shale gas demonstrations then spread across other parts<br />

of Algeria's Saharan region, with their frequency decreasing<br />

in the second half of the year.<br />

On January 4, a total of 4,000 people demonstrated in the<br />

cities of Ain Salah, Tamanrasset, El Ménéa, and Ain Ghar,<br />

Tamanrasset. More than 3,000 police forces were mobilized<br />

to restore order. On February 25, demonstrators formed the<br />

''National Collective for a Moratorium on Shale Gas in Algeria.''<br />

Violent clashes erupted for the first time on February<br />

28, when protesters and police forces clashed in Ain Salah.<br />

Demonstrators threw stones and set ablaze a police station<br />

after a coalition of liberal and Islamist parties such as the<br />

Movement for Society and Peace had called for the demonstration.<br />

Security forces used tear gas to disperse the crowds.<br />

Three security forces and at least four demonstrators were<br />

injured. On March 1, a total of 4,000 people demonstrated<br />

in Ain Salah and Tamanrasset. The same day, the government<br />

deployed 1,200 soldiers. The protesters set fire to<br />

the residence of the district's prefect, one police dormitory,<br />

and one police bus. According to the Ministry of the Interior,<br />

40 police forces were injured. A local hospital reported<br />

20 injured protesters. On March 14, several thousand people<br />

staged demonstrations in multiple Southern cities. The<br />

largest demonstration took place in the town of Ouargla in<br />

the eponymous province, where more than 3,000 protesters<br />

marched against the government's plan to extract shale gas<br />

in the region. Five days later, President Abd al-Aziz Bouteflika<br />

called for the restoration of national unity and condemned<br />

the shale-gas demonstrations. On April 4, several hundred<br />

people protested in the city of Batna, Batna province. After<br />

the police shot dead a young person in Ain Bessem,<br />

Bouira province, on July 2, demonstrators and security forces<br />

clashed. The protesters attacked the local police station,<br />

burned down a police vehicle, and placed burning tires to<br />

close access to the village. ala<br />


Intensity: 3 | Change: | Start: 1975<br />

Conflict parties:<br />

Conflict items:<br />

opposition groups vs. government<br />

system/ideology, national power<br />

The violent crisis over the orientation of the political system<br />

and national power between the mainly Shiite opposition<br />

groups and the Sunni government led by King Hamad bin Isa<br />

al-Khalifa continued. Throughout the year, the opposition,<br />

consisting among others of the main opposition parliamentary<br />

group al-Wefaq National Islamic Society and the<br />

Coalition of February 14 Youth, reiterated demands for the<br />

release of opposition members and called for a constitutional<br />

monarchy with a prime minister elected by the people.<br />

After Sheikh Ali Salman, leader of al-Wefaq, had been<br />

arrested on 12/28/2014, protests demanding his release<br />

erupted in and around the capital Manama, located in the<br />

Capital Governorate, throughout January. Reportedly, the<br />

demonstrations turned violent several times. For instance, on<br />

January 9, Shiite opposition supporters clashed with police<br />

forces who fired in the air and used tear gas to break up<br />

the demonstration, leaving several protesters injured. On<br />

January 31, the government revoked the citizenship of 72<br />

opposition members, human rights activists, and journalists<br />

who were deemed to have threatened national security.<br />

Marking the fourth anniversary of the protest movement<br />


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