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both sides continued last year's policy of trading accusations<br />

concerning the respective support of each other's armed opposition<br />

groups, including arms deliveries [→ South Sudan<br />

(SPLM/A-in-Opposition)]. South Sudan also accused Sudan<br />

of conducting airstrikes on June 14 to 16 in Maban County,<br />

close to the oil-rich Upper Nile border area. The airstrikes<br />

killed one soldier and five civilians, and wounded several<br />

others. After the South Sudanese government and SPLM/A-IO<br />

had signed an internationally-backed peace agreement in<br />

late August, President Salva Kiir reached out to Khartoum for<br />

support in implementing the deal. The two countries held<br />

several meetings over the peace agreement and the status<br />

of the border region. On October 14, the defense ministers<br />

from both countries agreed to operationalize the Safe Demilitarized<br />

Border Zone (SDBZ) and the Joint Border Verification<br />

and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM), as foreseen in a 2012<br />

agreement between the conflict parties. Even though both<br />

sides stressed that their relations had improved, Sudan stationed<br />

new troops along the border in late November in order<br />

to prevent border crossings of armed opposition groups. On<br />

November 26, a UNISFA soldier in Abyei was killed in clashes<br />

between Ngok Dinka and Misseriya. In reaction, the UN called<br />

for an investigation by both governments and renewed its<br />

demand for no other forces to be deployed in Abyei except<br />

for UNISFA and the Abyei Police Service. loc<br />


Intensity: 3 | Change: | Start: 1993<br />

Conflict parties:<br />

Conflict items:<br />

Chadema, CUF vs. goverment<br />

system/ideology, national power<br />

The violent crisis over the structure of the political system and<br />

national power between the opposition parties Civic United<br />

Front (CUF) and Party for Democracy and Progress (Chadema),<br />

on the one hand, and the ruling Party of the Revolution (CCM),<br />

on the other, continued.<br />

Together with other opposition parties, CUF and Chadema<br />

organized in the so-called Coalition of Defenders of the People's<br />

Constitution (Ukawa). The main controversial issues the<br />

three parties faced were the general election on October<br />

25 and the referendum on the new constitution that was<br />

scheduled for April 30, but later postponed to an undefined<br />

date. While the new constitution proposed the continuation<br />

of a two-government system for Tanzania, favored by<br />

most members of CCM, CUF and Chadema members backed<br />

a three-government structure in which Zanzibar would gain a<br />

more autonomous status.<br />

In the first half of the year, CCM passed laws limiting the<br />

freedom of the media, such as banning various newspapers.<br />

Several CCM members switched to Chadema, among them<br />

former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa, who was then declared<br />

Ukawa's joint presidential candidate on August 4. In<br />

response, two leading figures of the opposition parties resigned<br />

from their positions. On October 25, general elections<br />

were held in Tanzania and Zanzibar. John Magufuli contested<br />

for CCM in Tanzania and was declared winner on October 29.<br />

In contrast, the Zanzibari Electoral Commission declared the<br />

election in Zanzibar as invalid as CUF's presidential candidate<br />

claimed to have won the presidency before the results had<br />

been officially published. New elections were announced,<br />

but opposed by the CUF. Furthermore, Ukawa refused to collaborate<br />

with the new government, demanding the conflict<br />

over the elections to be resolved first.<br />

The conflict turned violent several times throughout the year.<br />

On January 6, clashes broke out between supporters of the<br />

opposition and of the government in Dar es Salaam due to<br />

the unclear status of the December 2014 municipal election<br />

votes in the capital's Kinondoni municipality. During the<br />

clashes, local party members were injured. The police used<br />

tear gas to disperse the crowd. On January 27, CUF chairman<br />

Ibrahim Lipumba and about 30 supporters were arrested for<br />

holding an unapproved political rally at Temeke municipality,<br />

Dar es Salaam. On September 10, a confrontation between<br />

supporters of CCM and of Chadema left one dead and five<br />

injured. CUF reported on October 26 the use of tear gas<br />

and pepper spray by the police to stop a celebration of the<br />

claimed victory of the party on Zanzibar. Two days later, the<br />

annulment of Zanzibar's presidential election by the Election<br />

Commission sparked youth protests. jsp<br />


Intensity: 3 | Change: | Start: 2000<br />

Conflict parties:<br />

Conflict items:<br />

MDC-T, MDC-R, NAVUZ, People First,<br />

OAUS et al. vs. government<br />

system/ideology, national power<br />

The violent crisis between opposition groups and the government<br />

of President Robert Mugabe over national power and<br />

political, economic, and social matters continued. Throughout<br />

the year, supporters of the ruling party Zimbabwe African<br />

National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and supporters<br />

of the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change<br />

Tsvangirai (MDC-T) clashed frequently, mostly in the capital<br />

Harare. For instance, in mid-January, ZANU-PF and MDC-T<br />

members clashed in Harare's suburb Budiriro following a rally<br />

by MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai. Several people were injured.<br />

The first two weeks of November saw multiple violent<br />

clashes between MDC-T and ZANU-PF supporters in Harare's<br />

suburb Hopley. On November 1, several people were injured<br />

when ZANU-PF supporters attempted to prevent an MDC-T<br />

rally. Furthermore, MDC-T youths clashed with the police<br />

during a protest in Harare on November 12, the police arresting<br />

at least 25 people. Violence between supporters of the<br />

opposing parties also ensued in localities all over the country<br />

when opposition supporters were denied food donations.<br />

Since July, the police and street vendors clashed frequently<br />

as the former enforced a relocation policy enacted by the<br />

government. Vendors were prohibited to sell their goods in<br />

the inner parts of cities like Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, and<br />

Masvingo. The National Vendors Union of Zimbabwe (NAVUZ)<br />

and MDC-T opposed the new policy and called on vendors to<br />

resist police instructions. Violence mainly occurred in Harare.<br />

On July 9, vendors clashed with the police, leaving some<br />

people injured and the police arresting 26 vendors. Five<br />

days later, NAVUZ leader Sten Zvorwadza and vendors were<br />

beaten and arrested by the police. On October 12, vendors<br />

threw stones at police officers, injuring at least four. The<br />

police arrested 13 people.<br />

After Itai Dzamara, leader of the opposition movement Occupy<br />

Africa Unity Square, had been abducted by unknown<br />

men in Harare on March 9, MDC-T accused the government<br />

of being responsible for the abduction. The police violently<br />

broke up prayer meetings expressing hope for the return of<br />

Dzamara, for instance in Harare's suburb Highfield on June<br />

14. MDC-T was among the organizers of the gathering.<br />

After 21 members of parliament aligned with the MDC-<br />


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