A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics David Crystal

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multilateral 317

application of the transformation is restricted by the subjacency principle

of bounding (sub-)theory, and its output is subject to a variety of filters,

principles, etc. stated by other (sub-)theories of GB. See also affect alpha.

movement (n.) (1) A term often used within the framework of transformational

grammar to refer to a basic kind of transformational operation. Movement

transformations have the effect of moving constituents (usually one at

a time) from one part of a phrase-marker to another (the ‘landing site’), as

in the formation of passive sentences. An alternative term is reordering or

permutation. In some approaches this notion is broken down into the more

basic operations of adjunction and deletion. Two main types of movement

rules have been used: WH-movement and NP-movement (as when such passive

sentences as The cup was put on the table are said to derive from – was put the

cup on the table by NP-movement of the cup). Other such rules have been

proposed from time to time, such as dative movement (to handle such alterations

as X gave Y to Z and X gave Z Y) and though movement (to handle such

sentences as good writer though she is . . . ); but the need for these has been

disputed. The possibility that all movement rules may be reflexes of a single,

universal rule (referred to as move alpha) has also now been proposed. In later

formulations, the category which has been moved leaves behind an empty node,

or trace: this approach is known as the ‘trace theory of movement rules’. A

moved constituent and its co-indexed trace form a movement chain. In the

minimalist programme, move is a basic operation which moves elements

about in the process of tree construction. Movement is constrained in various

ways. Only the shortest movements of an element are acceptable (shortest

move) into the nearest relevant position (the minimal link condition). Movements

should be delayed until absolutely necessary (procrastinate). And movements

must satisfy the requirements of the moved element (greed). In earlier formulations

of the programme, move existed alongside merge; later formulations regard

move as a subtype of merge. In this approach, move is called ‘internal merge’

and merge is called ‘external merge’.

(2) See hold (2).

mu (µ)

see mora

multidimensional scaling A statistical technique which has been applied in

psycholinguistics to quantify the meanings of related lexical items and

define the semantic space within which these items work. informants rate

numerically a set of items (e.g. kinship terms, colours) in terms of their mutual

similarity; the more similar the average ratings are, the closer these items are

placed in the hypothetical space. In this inductive manner, it is hoped to establish

classificatory criteria for lexical sets which might otherwise not emerge, and

to develop more illuminating models of semantic structure than are available

using conventional analytic techniques. The technique is also used in phonetics,

along with other statistical methods.

multilateral (adj.) A type of opposition recognized in Prague School phonology,

distinguished from bilateral. The opposition between English /t/ and /v/

is multilateral, because there are several possibilities of contrast involving

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