A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics David Crystal

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prosody 393

meat was eaten by the cat, and so on), and how a single linguistic form can be

analysed in terms of several propositions (e.g. Those nice red apples cost a lot

expresses the propositions that ‘the apples cost a lot’, ‘the apples are nice’ and

‘the apples are red’). The notion of ‘proposition’ is fundamental to case grammar,

where it is used as one of the two main underlying constituents of

sentences (Sentence ⇒ Modality+Proposition): each proposition is analysed in

terms of a predicate word and its associated arguments (i.e. case roles). Also of

interest is the distinction to be made between the propositional meaning of a

sentence on the one hand, and the use made of the sentence (e.g. in various

speech-act situations) on the other. Linguists are not primarily concerned with

the evaluation of a proposition in terms of truth-values, nor with the question

of the referential or cognitive status of the notion. See also analytic (2), ideational,

synthetic (2).

propositional attitude A term used in philosophy, and often encountered in

semantic theory, for mental attitudes such as belief, hope, doubt, etc. Such

attitudes are commonly analysed as relations which an individual may stand in

to a proposition. The semantic analysis of verbs representing propositional

attitudes has played a central role in the discussion of intensionality (see intension


propositional calculus

see proposition

proscriptive (adj.) A term used by linguists to characterize any approach

which attempts to lay down rules of correctness, emphasizing how language

should not be used. For example, the view that ‘sentences should not

end with prepositions’ is a ‘proscriptive rule’. These normative statements

are usually made within the overall context of a prescriptive grammar.

prosodeme (n.)

see prosody

prosodic bootstrapping

see bootstrapping

prosodic phonology

see prosody

prosody (n.) A term used in suprasegmental phonetics and phonology to

refer collectively to variations in pitch, loudness, tempo and rhythm. Sometimes

it is used loosely as a synonym for ‘suprasegmental’, but in a narrower

sense it refers only to the above variables, the remaining suprasegmental features

being labelled paralinguistic. The narrow sense is close to the traditional use

of the term ‘prosody’, where it referred to the characteristics and analyses of

verse structure. The term prosodic features is preferred in linguistics, partly

to enable a distinction to be drawn with the traditional use. In some approaches

to phonology, the term sentence prosody is used to group together intonation,

phrasal rhythmic patterning and more general features of prosodic phrasing.

The above use treats ‘prosody’ as a mass noun.

In the theory of phonology proposed by J. R. Firth (prosodic phonology),

prosody is treated as a count noun, and given special status (see Firthian). It is

distinguished in this approach from phonematic unit: the latter is a segmental

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