...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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that mystery allures us with. Is it pragmatic to

believe in nothing then? What is nothing? What

is something? Are queries that can usually be

heard with scoffs of: "give us a vice, give us


something else to believe in!" To end, of suicide,

I quote Albert Camus's, The Fall and say:

"through your mouth: "O young woman, throw

yourself into the water again so that I may a

second time have the chance of saving both of

us!" as with only one life, I say, as absurd as life

is, belief is not a blame game of tag but of

chances, and that it is beyond the realms of

pragmatism that existence lay."

Next to The Professor's book is a

pornographic magazine with a roll of toilet tissue

on top of it - Lonely in his last days it can be said

that he secretly missed the woman that I felt he

truly loved, but as he did not understand love, in

turn led to a failed marriage and this tragic end.

The coffee table also has an array of objects,

which are cluttered all over the table: trinkets of

small metal, bic pens, a DVD of E.T next to a CD

of the Artist Jay Z, Bhagavad Gita, a mobile

phone switched off etc.

The trombone that sits on the black leather

sofa was one of Franz most prized possession, as

he often spoke of it when reminiscing of his time

spent playing in the Jazz clubs of London, "It was

a lot of fun, but hard as I needed money," he said

- which again draws parallels to the protagonist in

his novel, Vanity. Ares. He remarked that "music

is life" and rarely went a day without listening to


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