...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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interpreted their sly tit for tat as a miniature

microcosm of the similar events that occurred

between Vincent Van Gough and Paul Gaugain,

at the Yellow House, but with subsequent tragic


suicides, instead of chopped off ears!

Inspired by Charles Bukowski's poem,

Dinosaur We, from, The Last Night of the Earth

Poems [Paperback] (middle shelf) Franz tentatively

wanted to end his now classic novel, Vanity. Ares,

with the first line of this poem. He debated but

did not want to be categorised as being overly

influenced by Aestheticism, and wanted to

announce his authentic allegiance to the raw,

with this ode to Charles Bukowski. "I did not

grow up with a golden spoon in my mouth, I was

not as lucky as Yashu, I grew up in London

where life was not always easy." He said.

This soon became a point glossed over

after the success of Vanity. Ares and he often

remarked, privately, that his decision not to end

the novel with Bukowski's poem was one of his

major literary disappointments. After the

publishing of, A Voyeuristic Supper, he became

more known as a writer that was completely

beautiful. As much as he loved writers such as

Lawrence Durrell and Oscar Wilde, whom he

quoted both in his introduction to 'Ares, he felt

"misread by the public at large."

From our own correspondence, Franz

always loved, White Buildings, and, prophetically,

Franz often quoted Hart Crane's reported final

words before he threw himself off a boat in The


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