...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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let him in. She followed him in, just as she

appeared a few hours before, though her thighs

became more noticeable to me— Maybe it was

puppy fat, I considered. I wasn’t quite sure, and



nor can the loins: Is there such thing as a moral

arousal? I really doubted it: Every facet of our best

carnal desires is saturated in the dirt. Although

people can think otherwise and throw cliche ́d

words at the throne of desire, it was all very

cognitive and scientific. Though I still wondered,

call it a human reflex: that impervious ability to

have more shit thrown at you, to the point where it

becomes all rather exhaustive and fragmentary. Yes,

that feeling seemed to have arrived just as the world

became smaller—it precipitated after a boiling

period where solutions were seen from a narrow

point of view. And then this perspective yearned

for more; it nagged and had been nagging for weeks

before, months, years even. Expanding to the point

of nothing, as it was just so much, too much: this

perspective was like two trains running parallel

simultaneously and needing to bargain a position

on both. What does this bleeding yearning want? I

started to think. Was it a fragmentary response to

something I couldn’t put my finger on, or it could

have been a moral sickness: aiding and abetting in a

deep recess. I consigned this perspective to the

back of my mind, and just looked at Leila, the girl.

Walking to immediately sit on the edge of the

unmade bed— The decoration comfortably


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