...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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source of news and research he would often tell

me he used in his novels when I would edit his

work. On top of the television is more "clutter"

and another note written, by pencil, with the




"Zebalda, Madgelane - Joaquin Phoenix - Cogito

Ergo Sum,"

Below these words is another sketch,

depicting a body with three heads, similar to the

painting by Yashu on the wall above the black

leather sofa, but the middle figure is seemingly a

distorted question mark.

Intense at times I knew of Franz to stop in

the middle of a conversation to write a note.

Descartes, Cogital Ego Sum is a concept he often

mused on: "I think therefore I am, Descartes

proposition remains at the epicentre of thought."

Though he had an irreverent side also, evidenced

by the two large piles of magazines, intermingled

with newspapers, sat in between the fireplace and

the leather sofa. The magazines mostly consist of

ID and Vice magazines - these show that he had a

multiplicity of persona's.

There is a fireplace close to the Television on the

right, opposite the black leather couch with the

trombone. Above the fireplace is another

painting, this time by Pablo Picasso, a copy of one

of his most famous painting's, The Three

Dancers, which, famously, depicts "jagged forms"

of Three Dancers" conveying "an explosion of

energy. The image is laden with Picasso's

recollections of a triangular affair, which resulted

in the heart-broken suicide of his friend Carlos


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