...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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Many of the albums in this collection can be

perhaps deemed music that a listener would

indulge in on a relaxed day, Franz always enjoyed

what he defined as, "soulful music and music

people sometimes call, melancholic, are probably

my staples; The Portishead album, Dummy and

Serge Gainsbourg's whole catalogue are probably

some of the music that most defines my taste in

music. Although I do like some commercial music

and have been known to enjoy a song by, The

Pussycat Dolls." Speaking of his great love who he

called a poet laureate, "Serge Gainsbourg, along

with Gil-Scott Heron, are the foundations of much

of the reason I like Artists as Nas and Mos Def, as

Gainsbourg was the ultimate provocateur but he

was groundbreaking and constantly making clever

songs that have always touched my heart, in

particular his song, La Saison des pluies is some

of the most beautiful lyrics you will ever hear. But

in the same token his known as this twisted social

commentator in France, and this attitude is what

draws me to some Hip-Hop Artists, an apologetic


Speaking of indie music, Franz commented

that it, "is the life blood of creativity in music.

Artists like MF Doom and M.I.A., to an extent, are

the ones pushing the boundaries. I remember

when Madvillain (Madlib's collaboration with MF

Doom) came out and it touched me." Speaking of

class systems in the taste of music he mentioned

Bach's, Brandenburg Concertos, "being the music

that I listen to in order to paint the imagery of my

books, and just as important as modern music, like



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