...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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my room, that I truly felt the idea of arriving back

to London—like the broken finding solace in the

broken. I countered that Lucia’s wings were

clipped, if anything, and there remained a distinct

difference, I thought as quickly as the day after

Leila first arrived, alone. It just occurred that my

mind was neither able to make a decision on either

of the two women here. There always remained an

option, I thought as Leila stumbled around more

sentences one Saturday evening, but it just

occurred that London represented something else

at the time, sure there was all that was happening

with Antonin, which I felt was drawing towards

me (rather than away), just bearing the severity of

the situation, yet it was Leila that provided the

thought (to leave for London) the necessary

lifeblood. I mentioned this to Lucia to check for

signs of pasture.


It was when I stood in between Mustapha and

Lucia that I noticed what was against the wall on

the same side as the doorway. It was a copy of

what I noted as Picasso’s Les demoiselles

d’Avignon, it’s quite large, I thought, I am startled

by it—I just looked at the picture: the primitivism,

the colours, the darkness of sexuality, and the

mood it emanated. I felt like I was intruding by it.

And I experienced an uncomfortable feeling;

increased nausea, something like the nausea

Sartre tried to explain via his character Roquentin:


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