...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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thought. I then heard the door knock; it was a

faint childlike knock that I initially hadn’t fully

noticed, until another two knocks. I am

constipated with feelings of the experience,

Lucia, I thought; the loveless structure of

mystery had consumed so much. I quickly got

up, putting on a pair of shorts, and went to

open the door. Stood—innocent, tender—

there was Leila. And for all of life’s

complexity’s, even the stubborn part of me

couldn’t help but appreciate life’s simplicity at

times, I thought, just looking at her, like a baby

tugging at a mothers’ arm or just the rain drops

against a window, inside all warm. This thought

made me feel as if I was drunker than I was,

having been sipping slowly at a half full bottle

of Jack (a true hassle to get here I acknowledged

again)—Embarrassed slightly. I let her in,

watching her drag her jacket. I was now stood

in front of the door wondering why she was

there. I am holding the ashtray in my left hand,

smoking with my right. I then took a few pulls

and waited for her to speak. I assumed her

English was basic. And as she started I could

tell that she had to try hard, which she does


—I...come...I want to see you...


—Yes, she said taking a seat on the bed with

her legs immaturely spread quite open,

revealing bright pink underwear. This made me

feel as if I was being manipulated, but I didn’t

say this, instead I asked: Does he know you’re


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