...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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watching her caress the pavements fiddling with

her unzipped mauve jacket...summoning

reckonings as only a poem could, as opposed to

a poet, of which that night I had spent in the

company of, Alex, Grant and Maria's roommate,

Talia...the remnants of remorse sat at the back

of the throat as if an exasperated piece of meat

as I watched feeling the freshness of world

through Leila's wide eyes...I immedietly thought

to interrupt, though soon stopped this from

instantly occurring, stood peering at her in front

of a turned over shopping trolley with a flutter

of birds picking at a few bits of bread closer

towards the railings...the light drip of a

lamppost light sauntering on her moving body,


...I must have stood there, more still than

I meant to, for a quite a time just watching Leila

before she threw herself into the water, as if

death just a dunk of a biscuit...


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