...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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created to speak to an important part of us…

perhaps the wild part or the difficult part, but

definitely a part people shouldn't disregard and

is the reason I make these little ditty's. For the

love of the NAKED TRUTH. My work is all

about stripping God, or us, totally naked! If you

think there is one, in a sense… A full eclipse of



Do you think you have a God complex?

Franz Bema

No. Who is God, we? I? Or You? You tell me?


Well, along the same lines: you once said you

don't believe in Art, but that you believe in the

Artist. What did you mean by this? Who creates

the Art? What is the difference?

Franz Bema

The difference is fine, but if you look back in

history - this concept has always been

challenging from Doestoevsky to Knut Hamsun

to Duchamp and Dali… If you take Knut

Hamsun for example, who wrote Hunger, which

is one of my favourite books, he famously made

this defection with those strange political

leanings. A firm dislike of politics, I don't for

one minute agree with his decision … ha…. no

way jose will I defend that. But do I love his

books, certainly. Because he is authentic, it's not

about good or bad, it's about the beauty of life's

poetry as we're all merely instruments. Can an

Artist disappoint me, sure…I think some writers

are just scribbling, total scribbles…This thing I


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