...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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they were people that were known in inner

circles. Perhaps religion had a profound effect on

the outward appearance of society, here, but the

same primal instincts remained intrinsic, I

acknowledged to myself. If I can remember, she

was standing there before he arrived, or maybe

they came at the same time. B introduced her as

Leila then said: ...Don’t worry about her she’s

just decoration.

—Really... And that was my reply because I did

not know what to really say. Leila looked no more

than fifteen. Though her eyes had a dormant

appearance that looked the consequence of either

drugs or life. Either way you’ll get gotten won’t

you. It being the end of January meant that she

was dragging along a long cream sheepskin jacket

like a nuisance, with it unzipped you could see a

large pair of breasts underneath a tight navy blue

cotton blouse. As if I were elsewhere the thought

occurred that I had just typed in ‘Teen big

breasts’ and was then confronted with what I had

lustfully imagined, followed by their uncovering,

usually with some sort of gyrating, and then an

organ would be summoned for the use in a

variety of positions— Modern life. She said

nothing. Mohammed only had half of what I had

asked for. As if insurance, he had known where I

had lived from Lucia. I guessed. He said he would

meet me there in three hours or so. I then begun

walking through the market on my way back,

through Medina, full of antiquated houses with

colourful paint jobs as if vintage clothing; each

distinctive in its own way, stools full of fruit, and


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