...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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Yashu’s spite: Beauty is a whore, he said slightly

tipsy from V.I.P wine. Although I debate this still

— his tipsiness was exaggerated to hide the bitter

abyss Yashu had equated to by that time. Chiming

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in, as they all do, my literary executor, who I may

say is wholly obsessed with the writings of Georges

Perec, felt that Vanity. Key was pretty, clearly

overhearing Yashu’s sleight after the applause,

clamouring to the fame. This was after he had

published it. Nonsense! V.I.P wine! Another

Duchamp Consensus! Distracted by interviews,

critics and members of The Powers I was not able

to make a response to Yashu that night as Leila and

Yashu left the stage and the West End Auditorium.

Though in Islington the next day I spoke to Leila

about how she felt about the play, with her eyes

glazed — perhaps insomnia ridden — she looked at

me as if she were looking straight through me and

hesitated to form a response… I hadn’t known

Leila to withhold an opinion on such matters.

Standing in the Islington hallway in silence I

became distracted by Yashu’s spite the night

previous and said that his behaviour was the final

straw. Of this Leila said that she could understand.

Who or what did she understand? In hindsight I

can’t remember what exactly or who she was

referring to, but she nodded that she understood

something. She then explained that in a bid to

complete his new work and become exactly the

Artist he wanted to be — against the wishes of the

providers of the V.I.P wine and his Art dealers —

Yashu had decided that he was no more a Public


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