...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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room (London) - A chandelier, Persian rugs.

Summer. Enters Smithus through the door.

Bradbury stood next to the window on the far left.

[Smithus enters the room]

Smithus: There is chocolate all over your lips, and

you pertain not to know chocolate whatsoever.

(Moves towards settee) Ridiculous, you're as guilty

as guilt itself. (Smarmy look on his face)

Bradbury: Whom can answer one of chocolate

thievery? this is an outrage! (Plays with his tie and

seems a little dishevelled; surprised to see him)

Smithus: Bradbury, you must calm down, and

realise the fool proof evidence smeared somewhat

all over your face, (quipped, lifting his chin

indignant as he walked further into the living

room). What are you trying to say then?

Bradbury: What do you mean? (Watching him walk

in) If you accuse me in such a way, it will cause me

to have to really do something, something of fierce


Smithus: Look, Bradbury, (Ironic to the turn of

events - expression) Lady Sherry shall be home

soon and I am sure she was looking forward to

those Valentines that you and I know are living

amongst's your stomach's acids and saliva's

detritus. (Taking a seat to then appreciate his

surroundings; looking around the room).

Bradbury: Smithus, I choose my enemy's for their

quick wit and their intellect and my friends for

their stupidity, I may say that you have now

entered a new realm…(taking a seat at the edge of

the desk to peer at him sitting on the settee;

seeming rather decadent in his self-indulgent grin).

This must be some sort of morbid triviality that you


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