...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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beautifully, if I may say so myself as the Poet I hope to

be. Misunderstood, his heart bleed words."

The apartment remained untouched and

exactly the way it was the day he died.

The Entrance

As we enter the Islington apartment, 14

Ciento Cuarenta Ycuatro mil street, (interestingly,

partially renamed after the Spanish Company

that owns much of the property — Ciento

Cuarenta) the door— number 6 — opens to black

fabric covering the walls in the hallway, with two

paintings either side of the entrance walls.

Though, firstly there is a tweed welcome mate

with red lines in its brown woven. It is rumoured

that Franz covered the walls in black fabric after

his wife, Ellis Bema, had departed. The reason

for this fabric could be due to his troubles with

insomnia and complaints of "a constantly racing

mind" and that "the black swings in a coolness"

(An Interview with The Black Humorist, by Steve

Powers — The Guardian, December 21st, 2008.)

The paintings in the hallway entrance consist of

one by his friend, the Artist Yashu, and the other

a copy of Edvard Munch's, The Scream in a red

frame on the right-hand side. Depicting, a green,

blue and red figure sitting in a red walled room

in a corner sitting on a chair, Yashu's painting, is

mounted the way Yashu demanded all his work;

in a gold frame, and is titled: Suicide, After Dali &

Doestoevsky 2007 and was initially considered a

masterpiece by Yashu, but after exhibiting the


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