...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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for Franz, and from this friendship saw

intellectualism as that which elucidates much, but

that his feelings, particularly as an Artist

"conflicted" this approach to life. In private

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA correspondence between us, Franz often referred

to The Professor as his "mentor" and that he acted

sometimes as his "intellectual conscious" he joked.

Franz' system for gathering information was

always unclear, but from the first line of his essay

entitled: The Allure of Pragmatism, published in the

New Yorker, Franz sheds some light on this issue

and quoted a conversation with The Professor's

and his book. Here is an excerpt: "Just as Albert

Camus' mentioned in, The Myth of Sisyphus, the

true philosophical problem we humans have is that

of: 'Judging whether life is or not worth living…'

which I fundamentally agree with, but add that the

buck stops at a hundred percent belief in the

notion of evolution, for me. I am not here to

divulge publicly my love for a particular political or

philosophical affliction or offer my services to the

concoction of modern day Religion, which we all

know is in dire straights, and is need for what I can

say I believe in, an honest slap in the face. Please

the need to slap the truth into existence is more

and more apparent. Of course it is I who has been

classed as a madman, a poet and a provocateur in

equal measure know that society needs something.

I don't write this to provide any type of self. I don't

write this to seduce you with self help plans, (you

can read other writers for that seduction) that make

you want for more self help from somebody else


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