...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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described in a clinical manner, rather than

finding cliche ś. G sat, after a few minutes he

began to stroke his beard, whilst still chewing

some tobacco. He was in the armchair and Lucia


and Ahmed were on the couch, with her doting, I

was sat closest to the door in another chair.

Mustapha had been sent away by Lucia a few

hours earlier and she had intended to make

amends for sibling disagreements they seemed to

have maintained for a time. G then started to

speak in a laconic voice that I instantly

considered hypnotizing: rhythmic and quite loud

also, as if the same voice for the call for prayers

was now closer. He was reading a passage of the

Quran. And even I was quite enraptured; there

was something about G, I considered the detail in

the way he spoke as rather specific, he

pronounced each word slowly and only looked up

at Lucia and Ahmed once or twice, just as he

begun. I think, at the time, that it would create a

scene if, for example, a glass smashed, but I deny

the thought for the look on Lucia’s face. This is

the first time I had seen such sincerity in the way

she was behaving. I was shocked that she didn’t

dismiss such a reading as unnecessary, but then

again, she too often prays, perhaps not five times

a day, but on many occasions I assumed she did, I

considered. When the room was quiet Ahmed

turned to Lucia and started to talk about the

negative consequences of what can only be

referred to as secularism. She did not chastise


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