...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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Art is really helping you to laugh and see

something new in the face of death. Death? What

is death? All that exists is what Leila talks about

when she wrote: I eat, drink you could say


(Elysium, Random Apartment) … we eat, drink

and this is all that really needs to be said, living

under the moon …" Heavily influenced by poetry

and Leila Dois, in particular, he often mused on

these poems though it seems that he has had not

ventured into Zhaozhou's, The Gateless Gate

because it still had a Waterstones receipt in the

middle of the book, that was obviously new and

by the looks of it, untouched.

On the bottom shelf, the book titled, 午 後

の 曳 航 is the Japanese version of Yukio Mishima's

novel, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea.

Having spent time in Japan teaching English,

Franz had a great affinity for all things Japanese

and this book was a gift from a lady called Miho,

who has written the words: "To Franz. A beautiful

man," she wrote, "just like you! xx" and signed

her name at the bottom. A handsome man that

was clearly popular wherever he went. Talking of

his status as a celebrity and part of the "beautiful

people", Franz words were scathing, "Look, what

I find particularly strange is that people want to

talk about how I look," he said, "which was rather

flattering to begin with. All the talk of writers

rarely being so handsome and how my work came

to be, slowly, like a woman at work given

promotions because the boss likes her breasts, it

started to take precedence, particularly in the


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