...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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that first night. Her eyes always full of

conversation; she looked at both of us with a

drowsy squint and said with a nod: Let us drink,

and sure I am that Poet, but now I’m mostly just

drunk, though not like Baudelaire! Just drunk!

Said Leila, I remember. I assumed the same

treatment as the hopeful lothario looking on,

alone at the other side of that Shoreditch bar, but

was met with the lady that would begin to define

much about my life. Her presence was as if death

from a kiss: her moods sauntered with anger in

one moment and joy the next, but seemed to

nestle into her somehow befriending Yashu and I.

Though not before she firmly placed Yashu in his

place by letting him know that she was a lesbian

and that she was: Just not interested, look at your

hair, she flippantly added for good measure — the

trinity that became us had said its first prayers at

an altar: a prayer here, a prayer there, everywhere

a sermon. Leila was like the holy spirit; in the

sense that a poet’s belief in the grandeur is that

which lubricates our eternal essence — the

sensitive nature of the poet; for everywhere exists

a sermon: to Leila, the trees spoke of a rainy day

and the creases on a person’s face told a story.

Yashu differed: he had a preoccupation with the

high—minded motifs of visual beauty with his art

containing rosaries, chapels and such religious

iconography, if I can remember. I perhaps

oscillate between both perspectives, as the rain

continues to fall. Though the roles would often

change between us, in hindsight, though this is

only apparent as the end is nearing. Maybe I have


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