...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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misunderstood, from this, in more ways than one,

with critics and readers constantly forgetting how

humorous he actually was. In hindsight, he was

rashly categorised as a poet or deemed a writer of

dark works. Neither labels I felt were correct. It


seems that the label, comic novelist, although one

he constantly refused, is a closer reflection of his

work at times. The essay by the famous critic,

Robert Howarth, entitled: Understanding The New

Black, published in the New York Review of

Books, fittingly said of Franz's work:

"Confronted with death, his work is as if, arriving at

a funeral, you are then overcome by the most riveting

conversations you've ever had, a gluttony of hilarious

jokes of the worst variety; as trying not to laugh

becomes simply futile, and, of course, the most

expensive V.I.P wine. You feel naughty when you

read his work, he tempts with images and words, then

makes you realise that you are still at a funeral. It's a

bit like life, or at least the best parts of it. Poignant."

On the same row, the presence of, Alton

Gordunov's, Port de bras, written in 1930's Soviet

Russia, is of significance for numerous reasons:

Firstly, this book was long known to be a

favourite of his, evidenced when he said of the

book, "quite possibly it's one of the most unsung

modern-day masterpieces, an authentically

elegant scream that resonates with me, and I

hope to help produce the screenplay as the studio

asked." – The Paris Review, 2013. Secondly, in

the same interview published in the Paris Review

he was asked why this book resonated with him

and he went on to give a long explanation that I


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