...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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cheaper, obviously becoming more aware of her

depleting bank balance, which still had not

motivated her to write a single poem of Love &

War. I’m writing it when my heart and mind is

ready, said she, plus I feel too distracted. The

Administrator, after her arrival back from India

had become more and more close with Leila,

though it would take an army to get truly close to

Leila. The Administrator was perhaps enabled

access due to the close proximity of Leila living

upstairs in the Islington apartment, which

provided this special circumstance. And The

Administrator was still helping Leila organise her

estate. But, on Leila’s return to Bethnal Green

she did seem more distant, and The

Administrator failed to get such access to The

Eagle that was Leila. The self-assessed life had

perhaps returned as closer to the reality of Leila’s

routine, though I can’t be so sure. I do remember

that The Administrator, busier with her own job,

still as an administrator, had started to spend

more time at the office and with Carly, perhaps

manifestations of the cold war. Now living in

Bethnal Green, Leila said that it helped her focus

on her poetry, although she still had not written

Love & War, I assumed her end games were

perhaps not an allure for her, though the void

Madgelane left hadn’t been filled, I accept this in

hindsight. Vanity. Key also had broken and

mended her, Leila shared in one of our phone

conversations I deemed cryptic. The

Administrator had decided to take another trip

and had left the papers on my desk! That bitch!


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