...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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find complicated: "The story is of course following

this famous Russian ballet dancer, living and

working in Soviet Russia, married to Jesu another

dancer he calls, throughout the novel, his muse

and reason for living…..The story unfolds and



Gordunov's prose is like a Russian Jean Genet…

tough but subtle….beautiful….It seems that it is a

love story, but tragically, Jesu; his wife and muse,

when she is being held up whilst executing a port

de bras with the famous dancer Jeanne Sylvanie

Arnould-Plessy at the Mikhaylovsky Theatre, falls

and breaks her neck. But here's the thing,

Gordunov depicts these scenes with so much

poetry, it literally touches your soul…. but the

protagonist goes through this complete existential

meltdown, authentically, and spirals into poverty

and a change in career as a writer, but forced to

dance again because the Theatre needs him and

him being the Russian President's favourite

dancer. He eventually does and performs the

famous play, Lonerism, with so much veracity and

electricity that all those in attendance had shivers

running down their spine for most of the play—

can you see the imagery? But, yes, how this book

remains so relatively unknown is amazing. But the

final scene comes, which is a five minute solo

dance by this protagonist―who performs with so

much poise, it was said that it was the best solo

ever performed by those observing this beautiful

but completely broken man dance. The solo

seemingly ends with rapturous applause, everyone

can't believe what they have seen, the president is


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