...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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men hustling to sell tickets, an assortment of

vendors sat perched (clearly unlicensed) on the

floor selling; gum, chocolate, packets of crisps and

so on. We gathered our bags, Lucia was in a less

of a helpful mood compared to the start of the

journey so she just took her own bag, leaving

everyone else free to retrieve their own

belongings, and then we walked towards the

roadside, Bon and Mustapha met us there. There

was only room for five people in Bon’s Land

Rover so Mustapha suggested we take a taxi also.

It was only two of us in the taxi, Bon, Lucia, Rajib

and Ahmed all got into the Range Rover. Sat next

to Mustapha in the back of the taxi I felt a strange

concoction of emotions, because it dawned on me

that he was happy to see me, and I wondered if he

had had any sexual thoughts of me as he spoke his

usual fast talk, tempered with allusions to

Berberism and then he started to speak about

Lucia, Ahmed and G, before I had to even ask.

—...I really am wary of him, he said of G, It’s

exactly what I am against... Did you know G was a

hypnotist? —Was he? —In the Nineties...I know

from another man who knew him years ago, and it

tells, you know? He has a strange air about him.

You know Lucia should... —Should What? I

asked, feeling exasperated and as if I had just

wanted to get to the true essence of all these

happenings, and so I even started to feel a way

about Antonin; and how he would tend to order

events as less of an injury. — For one thing, she

really needs to stay away from G., this prayer

group and... —And... —Well... We had then



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