...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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accomplishment, like a conceptual Artist achieving

the success of a piece alone, or a one man play

without an audience, or the concrete moving of

tectonics plates colliding; I felt less aligned to the

status-quo, however small this act was, this night

was less riddled by insomnia, not much, but in

some way, I found the body just a sentimental

entity by this. As such forms of chaos fed the body,

but failed to occupy a mind generally perturbed, I

thought this, but it may have come out of my

mouth in the middle of the night, in between

closed eyes —Even delinquents have their votaries.

Exotic Themes of Views

It was tempting to quickly judge the situation, as it

came full steam ahead: Lucia introduced him as

Ahmed and there I was sitting with not only him,

but G also. I had no idea this was the case until

afterwards. The living room was quite dark for the

light in many Moroccan homes was skewed by

certain architecture—I considered it baroque in

affect. Lucia was much more familiar with Ahmed

than I had presumed; she was gently chiding him

about the length of his hair, touching it and

accosting him to sit down right next to her. G

walked in, as I find out later, and is neither smiling

nor frowning. Both G and Ahmed were wearing

jalabiya’s, red and white, respectively. Lucia’s

nervous laughter at times jilts me, I thought. And

abounded to the presence of some heaven, I found

agnostic. To set the mood further would falsify the

anecdote, it was just a happening that can only be


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