...a deathly serenade...

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx

...a Painter... a Poet... a Prose Stylist... xxx


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Modeselektor or Caribou - in my eyes, I don't see,

or like, the snobbery that can exist in music,

which I spoke briefly about in my novel, A

Voyeuristic Supper. As lofty as my association is

in the ranks of literature, Janet's Jackson's, Velvet



Rope is quite easily as influential to me as James

Joyce," he said in a somewhat defence of

contemporary Art, and music.

In his Paris review interview Franz spoke

about his affinity for Jazz and his time, "bumming

around playing in Jazz clubs", when he opens up

about this music's affect on his Jazz like writing

prose-style, "I developed the style of course from

not just Jack Kerouc, but Jean Genet, who is an

unsung pioneer in this similar prose style, Miles

Davis, John Coltrane and even from appreciating

the paintings of Yashu and Jean-Michel Basquait,"

he said. "It's a concoction of rhythms and

cadences that derive from my poetic vision of life.

This balance of the meticulous and the wholly

abstract is meshed together with this texture that

is a bit like my outlook on life … you know? It's a

situation where I'm constantly searching for this

drama of the absurd, I like to call it … The

saxophone of a Bechet from his Paris merengue

period, are the songs layered into my fabric with

an edge, of let's say a John Frusciante or, more

fitting a Foo Fighters, and juxtaposed to create

what may seem complicated but my work is like a

walk through a rainy dessert, alone, drinking wine

eating and having a conversation with the women

you love. And finding laughter, even though

you're totally lost, but what you have is this wine,


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