Backfire - Spander Files

Backfire - Spander Files

Backfire - Spander Files


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8<br />

Domestic Bliss<br />

Xander awoke just after dawn the next morning. He was alone in the bed. Angel’s<br />

bed. No, he didn’t have to think hard to recall the previous night’s events. He had<br />

been fully aware what was happening as it was happening. Felt every touch and<br />

every sensation. It was a part of him.<br />

He had always thought that he had a full life. Avoiding his family was a full-time<br />

job in itself. He may not have been the most popular guy in school, but he had great<br />

friends. And when Buffy moved to town, and he had lost Jesse and the veil had<br />

been lifted to reveal the evil of Sunnydale…when that happened, his life had<br />

direction. He had a purpose. He had a new friend and he had helped save the world<br />

that one time.<br />

All in all, his life had been good. Terrifying at times, sure, but still good. So Xander<br />

didn’t know how he could possibly find room in his head for Spike. And Angel. But<br />

there they were - invading his cluttered mind anyway. Stupid-fucking-evil<br />

vampires.<br />

Glancing around the room, he found them both still there. Spike was chained to the<br />

wall. He had a fresh bruise on his eye and a rapidly healing cut on his cheek. He<br />

was also unconscious on the floor. Or possibly asleep. It was hard to tell.<br />

As Xander padded toward the bathroom, clothes in hand, he passed Angel asleep on<br />

the couch. The older vampire didn’t have a scratch on him. Xander tried to envision<br />

how that fight had gone, and how he had managed to sleep through it, but was tired<br />

of thinking of vampires, so he let it go.<br />

He had expected pain when he was using the toilet, and was surprised when there<br />

wasn’t any. It occurred to him that the tongue that had violated him last night and<br />

had felt oh so good, damnit had actually healed the damage that Angel had done.

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