AnnuAl REPORT 2011-2012 - Sbs

AnnuAl REPORT 2011-2012 - Sbs

AnnuAl REPORT 2011-2012 - Sbs


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In <strong>2012</strong>, in line with Government policy to fund only amounts<br />

required for the conversion to digital transmission, an amount<br />

of $0.539m (<strong>2011</strong>: $2.153m) was recognised as unearned<br />

revenue from Government – see Notes 5 and 9(b)(i).<br />

Amounts received as equity injections are recognised<br />

as increases in “Contributed Equity”. All equity injections<br />

have been fully drawn down. Loans received from<br />

Government are recognised as increases in borrowings<br />

when received – see Note 10(a).<br />

Resources received free of charge<br />

Services received free of charge are recognised as<br />

revenues where their fair value can be reliably measured.<br />

Use of the resources is recognised as an expense. In <strong>2012</strong><br />

no resources were provided free of charge (<strong>2011</strong>: Nil).<br />

Parental Leave Payments Scheme<br />

Amounts received under the Parent Leave Payments<br />

Scheme by the Corporation, but not yet paid to<br />

employees, are presented as cash and a liability (payable).<br />

The Scheme came into effect on 1 January <strong>2011</strong>. In <strong>2012</strong><br />

an amount of $0.072m was received under the Scheme<br />

by the Corporation (<strong>2011</strong>: Nil).<br />

(g) gains<br />

Gains from the disposal of assets are recognised when<br />

control of the asset has passed to the buyer.<br />

(h) transactions with the government as owner<br />

Equity Injections<br />

Amounts appropriated by Parliament as equity injections<br />

are recognised directly as contributed equity in that year.<br />

Other Distributions to Owners<br />

The FMOs require that distributions to owners be debited<br />

to contributed equity unless it is in the nature of a dividend.<br />

(i) Other transactions with government<br />

Some special purpose funding from Government is<br />

recognised as revenue only when the related expenditure is<br />

incurred. In 2000, the Corporation received $70.000 million<br />

from the TV Fund and $3.400 million (from Government<br />

appropriation) to provide analogue extensions to regional<br />

Australia in future years. In 2005, the Corporation received<br />

a further $4.606 million to extend analogue services to<br />

regions with a population of 3,000 to 5,000, and also<br />

received $0.125 million under the Commonwealth’s<br />

Television Black Spots – Alternative Technical Solutions<br />

Program. An additional amount of $0.125 million was<br />

received in 2008 under the Commonwealth’s Television<br />

Black Spots – Alternative Technical Solutions Program.<br />

The amounts received, including interest accrued on<br />

these amounts, are recognised as revenue when related<br />

expenditure is incurred. Refer to Note 4(c).<br />

(j) employee benefits<br />

Liabilities for services rendered by employees are<br />

recognised at the reporting date to the extent that they<br />

have not been settled. Liabilities for short-term employee<br />

benefits (as defined in AASB 119 “Employee Benefits”)<br />

and termination benefits expected to be settled within<br />

twelve months are measured at their nominal amounts.<br />

The nominal amount is calculated with regard to the rates<br />

expected to be paid on settlement of the liability.<br />

All other employee benefits are measured as the present<br />

value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made<br />

in respect of services provided by employees up to the<br />

reporting date.<br />

(i) Provision for long service leave<br />

The liability for long service leave has been determined<br />

by reference to the work of the Australian Government<br />

Actuary. The estimate of the present value of the liability<br />

takes into account attrition rates and pay increases<br />

through promotion and inflation. Amounts for which the<br />

Corporation expects to have no unconditional right to<br />

defer settlement within twelve months are shown as a<br />

current liability.<br />

(ii) Provision for annual leave<br />

Provision is made for the value of benefits accrued as<br />

at reporting date and includes the annual leave bonus<br />

component payable in accordance with the SBS Award.<br />

The amounts expected to be payable within twelve<br />

months are shown as a current liability, and measured at<br />

their nominal amounts. No annual leave benefit has been<br />

assessed as payable after twelve months.<br />

(iii) Provision for separation and redundancy<br />

Provision is made for separation and redundancy<br />

payments, in line with formal plans for the terminations,<br />

which can be reliably measured. At 30 June <strong>2012</strong>, the<br />

Corporation recognised a provision of $3.027m (<strong>2011</strong>:<br />

$1.692m). When applicable, the Corporation formally<br />

identifies the terminations and informed those employees<br />

affected that it will carry out the terminations. The<br />

provision does not include long service leave or annual<br />

leave paid on termination. These are included in the<br />

respective provision.<br />

<strong>AnnuAl</strong> RepoRt <strong>2011</strong> – <strong>2012</strong> 81

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