Tesis y Tesistas 2020 - Postgrado - Fac. de Informática - UNLP

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Esp. Cesar Armando Estrebou

with the conversion formulae to transform the different

colour spaces from the colour pattern RGB (standard format

for image representation). The second point is the survey

of segmentation algorithms applied to the different colour

patterns and the efficacy results presented by the authors

of the works studied.

Last but not least, the third point to highlight is the survey

of skin dataset that appear in the study articles as well as

in the articles chosen by the author of this document. This

originated three skin dataset that contain features that

enable to make a precise comparison of the results obtained

from the different skin segmentation algorithms. This is

very important to make an exact evaluation of the colour

patterns efficacy, a difficult task to carry out with the results

obtained from the revised articles. Another contribution

of this work is the analysis of the skin distribution in the

colour representation systems. Hence, as a conclusion we

can say that, in some systems, the skin pixel distribution is

narrower and more compact. For example, the models HSV

and YcbCr present one of the most compressed distributions

and it is parallel to the axis of the representation space.

There is not a convincing answer that indicates the most

appropriate colour pattern for skin segmentation. After a

survey with a lot of publications and analysing the results

presented by the authors, it seems that there is not a colour

pattern outstanding from the rest. In the articles, the YCbCr

colour pattern is mostly used individually and the HSV,

YCbCr and RGB patterns are mostly used combined, but in

general the authors do not justify the option of one model

over the others.

Although it is true that the different colour spaces have

some advantages such as the colour wheel, being more

compact, more uniform and dividing brightness better,

these are not vital features to verify if a pixel in an image

is human skin or not.

Apparently, a successful classification is due to the capacity

of the classification algorithms used rather than the colour

pattern chosen.

In general, some authors have been successful with

different combinations of colour representation patterns

and segmentation algorithms. However, there seems to be

a tendency that indicates that the results of the articles

are better when combinations of components of two or

more patterns of colour representation are used. In order

to see how the colour pattern choice influences the skin

classification algorithm, it is believed that a colour system

that fits better the skin colour distribution mitigates the

limitation of those algorithms without a robust adaptation

or covering the RGB colour space (the widest of all). As an

example, on the one hand, we can mention those algorithms

based on thresholds, less robust than others, and where

their application is less effective in the RGB colour pattern

segmentation than in the rest of the patterns. On the other

hand, from the experiment carried out by this author on RCE

neuronal networks (more robust than the threshold-based

patterns) shows that there are no relevant differences on

skin segmentation when using this type of networks in

different colour patterns.

Future Research Lines

There is still too much to do to get a definite answer to the

question: what is the best colour pattern to represent human

skin? The first task is the implementation of segmentation

algorithms with each of the variations presented in the

study papers. The second task is the application of each

algorithm to every colour representation pattern in order

to determine the success of the segmentation. Here, it

is necessary to highlight the importance of the surveyed

information that claim the availability of segmented skin

masks (ground-truth) to make a precise comparison and get

reproducible results.

Another interesting point is to estimate the computational

cost for the transformations between colour representation

patterns and the segmentation algorithm used, as well as

the final cost for the combination of both.

This will enable the association to the segmentation

efficacy, an important aspect that in general the authors

do not take into account or, at least, they do not mention

in their writings.

Once all the above-mentioned tasks are performed, it is

possible to make a wider, exhaustive and exact analysis

to verify, on the one hand, the most convenient colour

representation pattern for skin segmentation applications

and, on the other, how these algorithms influence the

segmentation algorithms.


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