Tesis y Tesistas 2020 - Postgrado - Fac. de Informática - UNLP

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Inteligencia de Datos

orientada a Big Data

Esp. Laura Randa Calcagni




Dr. Franco Ronchetti

Thesis defense date

July 17, 2020

Generative Adversarial

Networks and applications



Keywords: GANs ; SRGANs ; Redes Generativas Antagónicas ; Machine Learning


There is no doubt about the great importance in the

area of Artificial Intelligence that Generative Adversarial

Networks (GANs) have and will have. The GANs are

a very powerful type of generative model and the most

researched at present.

Since they emerged in 2014, they have been widely

studied due to their enormous potential for applications.

Every week a considerable number of scientific articles

related to this topic are published, in which already

published architectures are implemented in different

solutions or new ones are proposed for a certain purpose.

As such, it is a field of research that is widely growing.

Within the wide range of applications allowed by GANs,

super-resolution (SR) imaging is an interesting and very

relevant problem in the field of computer vision. The

generation of high-resolution images from their lowresolution

counterpart has applications in the scientific

field, in diagnostic imaging and in security systems,

among many others.

The general goal of this project is the study of Generative

Adversarial Networks, the construction and design of

examples that allow the understanding and analysis

of each of the parts that constitute them and the

discussion of their possible applications, with greater

emphasis on those applications that have to do with

increasing image resolution.

In a synthetic way, GANs consist of two models (in

general, convolutional neural networks), the generator

and the discriminator, trained simultaneously to

challenge each other, which explains the adversarial

term chosen by the authors to give identity to this

novel method.

On the one hand, the generator is trained to generate

‘fake’ data as close as possible to the real examples of

a certain training set that is selected. On the other hand,

the discriminator is trained to be able to discern the ‘fake’

data produced by the generator from those corresponding

to the training set (the real examples).

Successively, the two models continually try to beat each

other: the better the generator is at creating convincing

data, the better the discriminator must be at distinguishing

real examples from ‘fake’ ones. This particularity makes

GANs a highly effective generative method.

Thesis Final Work contrinutions

In this project, Adversarial Generative Neural Networks

(GANs) and their applications are studied through an

extensive review of theoretical literature and the

latest scientific papers published.

Generative statistical models are described in

opposition to discriminatory models. The different

blocks that componse a GAN are studied, as well as

their training and the difficulties it involves.

This project also contemplates the implementation

of a Super-Resolution Adversarial Generative Network

(SRGAN) presented in [1], using the libraries Keras and

Tensorflow. The Google Colaboratory environment is

used for training the GAN, since the platform allows the

use of a GPU NVIDIA Tesla K80. In this implementation,

qualitatively high quality images are obtained, which


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