Tesis y Tesistas 2020 - Postgrado - Fac. de Informática - UNLP

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Mg. Mónica Diana Tugnarelli

to the treatment of digital evidence. There are technological

and legal issues that impact the choice of a cloud solution

for private or sensitive data storage.

A second line arises related to the organizational field,

focusing on the degree of maturity of organizations in

the region to adopt this work model, testing bounded

versions of the proposed model would serve to enrich it

and adjust it with experiences and contributions. Likewise,

designing a framework that allows Forensic Readiness

to be implemented in any type of organization can be a

strategy to incentivize the culture of data protection and

information security that is in demand against the trend of

sustained growth of cybercrime.

To analyze in depth how prepared the Argentine judicial

system is to incorporate and admit as judicial evidence an

evidence obtained before committing a crime can form a

third line that delves into the revision of laws in force in

this regard. As well as, the certain resistance to accept open

source tools to be applied in computer forensics that must

be presented before a court.

Finally, a fourth line come up, predominantly technical, related

to the analysis of tools and methods to preserve the integrity

of digital evidence, which in this work was done with hash,

such as the use of blockchain considering the benefits it offers

to conform a distributed transaction log base maintaining the

security, traceability and transparency of operations.


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