Tesis y Tesistas 2020 - Postgrado - Fac. de Informática - UNLP

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Dr. Nahuel Mangiarua




Dr. Jorge Ierache


Dr. María José Abásolo

Thesis defense date

December 18, 2020



Scalable integration of image and

face based augmented reality

Keywords: Augmented Reality; Face Recognition; Scalability; Integration Architecture; Biometric Inference;

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search


Both images based and face based AR are used by several

systems, applications or frameworks in various fields of

application. However, there are currently no frameworks

whose architectures integrate the ability to simultaneously

recognize images and faces in a scalable way, that is, with

a high number of augmentation objectives. Furthermore, no

framework integrates the ability to make biometric inference

of information from human faces.

The main objective of this thesis work is to design a scalable

AR architecture based on the monocular visual recognition

of images and human faces, including biometric inference

capabilities, without reliance on external services during its

exploitation stage.

The following are proposed as particular objectives:

• Establish the processes and their necessary steps to carry

out image augmentation, face detection and recognition,

and inference of biometric information.

• Comparatively analyze the theoretical computational

complexity and the empirical processing load of each step

of the AR processes, considering different variations of

algorithms available for the search and description of POIs.

• Design an architecture that integrates the processes

described, contemplating parallel and / or asynchronous

execution, identifying the step or steps that result in the

main bottleneck with respect to scalability.

• Comparatively analyze the speed and precision of the applicable

algorithms to alleviate or solve the detected bottlenecks.

• Design evaluation criteria and sets of test data for the

algorithms applicable to bottlenecks that are representative

of the proposed exploitation domain.

• Incorporate into the design an open integration mechanism

that facilitates the future addition of additional biometric

inference algorithms.

It is planned to design an architecture and develop a

prototype that integrates AR based on arbitrary images, facial

recognition and biometric data inference in a scalable way.

The computational complexity will be analyzed to identify

bottlenecks, analyzing and comparing existing algorithms in

order to solve scalability limitations, avoiding dependencies

on external systems during the exploitation phase.

While it does not seek to compete with existing systems in

terms of the refinement and quality that they have achieved

with years of continuous development, it is intended to

demonstrate that an integration of the proposed technologies

is possible, while surpassing their scalability limits.

The study of the particularities of each POI search, POI

description, face detection, face recognition and biometric

inference algorithms used will be outside the scope of this

thesis. Only their relative fitness will be considered in terms of

the minimum processing load required to achieve the desirable

RA quality under physical conditions (lighting, occlusion, etc.)

expected in a partially controlled operating environment.

Thesis contributions

This thesis work proposes a scalable architecture that

integrates AR based on arbitrary images with the detection


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