Tesis y Tesistas 2020 - Postgrado - Fac. de Informática - UNLP

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Mg. Ernesto Esteban Ledesma

From the field tests carried out with the prototype, the first

data were obtained that relate the different variables of the

sensors and their impact on the level of water risk.

When the most critical variations in soil moisture, the

determining variables are reduced to room temperature

and PH. A more significant finding regarding the variables

is related to the behavior of the PH: It has been detected

that when the PH is below 230 mV and the humidity in the

soil is below 450mV, the number of risk situations increases

significantly. This finding will be validated in future tests.

Future Research Lines

Regarding the Determination of new Data Logs

It remains to verify the model inferences in different crop


Also the evaluation of how the incorporation of additional

information affects the results (in processing times and

precision): satellite data and polygon information, etc.

Variable sampling

Since the interval between samplings classically established

in the community is very wide in relation to the speed of

change of the model, the economic impact on yield must

still be specified, when irrigation is guided by early warnings

and water stress is completely prevented.

Detection and Prediction of Low Green Index Levels

Another interesting problem to consider during rice

cultivation is the early detection of deficiencies and

shortage of chlorophyll. Likewise, it is possible to study the

proper use of nitrogen in these crops.

Pest detection and prediction

Through climatic variables that the model works, it is

possible to develop a set of stamps for the detection of

certain pests in crops.

Detection and prediction based on other crops

It is planned to incorporate in the core of the FHS model

data, variables typical of other precision cultures. In this

way it is possible to design specialized predictive models.

Of the new variables that are detected, different patterns

must be defined regarding the status of the new type of

crop, so that it reacts on the different alerts provided by the


Related to the Kronos Agro prototype

This section details the pending activities, improvements

and new lines of research that arise from the prototype as

a piece of software.

Implementation of a mobile system

The proposed system encompasses web technology and

complies with “responsive interfaces” (those with the

ability to adapt to any device screen). Therefore, a native

application for mobile devices can be developed.

Reports of water risk situations

If it is extended to be able to use different monitoring zones

in parallel, users could report

risk incidents by taking the coordinates (latitude and

longitude) and send them to Firebase to indicate the risk

reports in that location.

The use of Firebase Functions (functions that fire routines

when events occur) allows you to execute a function stored

in the database every time a water risk is reported. Among

other things, the functions could be extended not only to

alarms (current use) but also to control triggers such as

irrigation valves, WEB messaging, etc.

Determine new patterns from analysis of field test results

The prototype currently works with 8 patterns (defined

by water risk), increasing this number of patterns implies

improving the efficiency of the prototype and detecting

more situations (and more diversity).


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